Monday 15 September 2014



The British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) is a non-profit organisation who creates age ratings appropriate to the content of the Film, the age ratings prohibits necessarily anyone under the age rating to see the film.

The lowest age rating the BBFC provides is the U category which stands for universal meaning that most audiences are able to view the film however this does not include anyone under the age of four. There are many restrictions when it comes to a films that watched by broad audiences for example the films are not able to contain any type of bad language except for very infrequent use of very mild bad language. It is possible that there may be kissing or cuddling within U listed films however there is no direct focus on sexual behavior or innuendos. Violence is also tolerated but in a very mild manor for example scenes may include very brief fight scenes or the character may be danger but they always end in a positive outcome to stop any kind of emotional stress. Children can easily be impressionable so to prevent this the BBFC has disallowed an dangerous or anti-social behaviour to occur. At this rating there are no references to any kind of illegal drugs unless there is a clear anti-drugs message which is able to be understood by the younger audiences although do they allow passing phrases to be used which would be missed by children. An example of a film under this category would be despicable me as it contains very mild nudity ,profanity ,violence and gore for example the bare buttocks of a baby boy are shown in a aback and white image, a young girl kicks a man in the shin and name calling "idiot" or "lame". However frightening and intense scenes in the film seemed to be the most prominent as this film has a high amount of action so there are many intense scenes for example At one point Gru is attempting to rescue the girls from the exterior of an aircraft, requiring them to jump to another. This scene may be intense for people with a fear of heights.

Parental Guidance (PG) is a more mature age rating then U, meaning that it is suitable for general viewing but some scenes may not be suitable for children aged under 8. The restrictions with the rating become a little more lenient as it is intended for a slightly more mature audience, the bad language in these films are now just mild but it depends which way the language is delivered as if it is used in an aggressive way it will most probably be rated at a higher age rating. Sexual references are unlikely unless they are shown not very often and un-detailed, they may be entertained if the reference is not likely to be understood by a child. The use of drugs are not allowed however passing references to illegal drugs and drug mis-use may be occasionally considered but will never be strongly focused on. A surprising example of a film that fits into this category is Frozen as it contained a a decent amount of violence, gore and fighting for example the main character 
creates a giant snow monster that may appear frightening to some small children or when When Anna is leading a blindfolded Kristoff, he smacks into a pole. There are also a few reference to alcohol and sex when drinks are served at a coronation ceremony in the films or the final kiss at the end of the film.

The BBFC created a new genre called "12A" in 2002.Films under this category are considered to be unsuitable for young children. Cinemas are only allowed to supply tickets to see a 12A-rated film to children under the age of 12 years if they are accompanied by an adult, aged at least 18 years. However, it is unlikely to be suitable for children under the age of 12.Films under this category can contain mature themes, discrimination, soft drugs, infrequent strong language and moderate violence, sex references and nudity. Sexual activity may be briefly and discreetly portrayed. Sexual violence may be implied or briefly indicated. A vast majority of films that fit into this category are superhero films like Spider man, Captain America and many more as they all contain quite a lot of mild violence. The film Spider man is the reason why this new age rating was introduced as it had such a high interest from children under the age of 12 so they decided to introduce a new rating so younger children were able to watch it with the supervision of their parents. The majority of the film has a high content of violence for example a 
man is shot and killed (off-screen) and we see him with a bloody wound in his chest.

Originally the age rating "12" was created however it is only used on films releases from August 1989 to 2002 and home media since 1994.These films are only suitable for children 12 and over, if the viewer fits that description there is no need for adult supervision. If the film is rated a "12" it can contain adult themes, hard drugs, regular use of foul language and limited use of very strong language, strong violence and strong sex references, and nudity without graphic detail. Sexual activity may be shown but without any strong detail. Sexual violence may be shown if it is discreet and justified by context of the film.The film Lord of the Rings has been classed under the category as it fits the features  above however  this film mostly contains a large quantity of violence and a few references of smoking and drinking.For example t
he movie begins with scenes from a vast battle, during which elves and men do battle with Sauron and his forces. The violence is more stylized than graphic. Almost no blood is seen. However, a great deal of medieval weapons are visible during this scene, and corpses are strewn all over. During a one-on-one fight between the leader of the men and the dark lord, the man is flung against rocks and dies.

The second highest age rating the BBFC can issue is a "15". This age rating is strictly only suitable to be viewed by anyone who is 15 and older. Films that fit this age rating can contain adult themes, hard drugs, regular use of foul language and limited use of very strong language, strong violence and strong sex references, and nudity without graphic detail. Sexual activity may be portrayed but without any strong detail. Sexual violence may be shown if discreet and justified by context.The film Ted has been given the 15 rating for various reasons as it contains many references to drug, sex, violence, smoking and a large amount of profanity.For example We hear a woman's sexual moans and the voice of a talking teddy bear also making sexual moans; a man walks toward the sound and we see a bear thrusting, a woman's legs are seen with her underwear around her ankles, it is implied that the bear is engaging in sex with the woman and we hear the teddy bear make a remark that is implied to be a sexual request.

The most severe rating that the BBFC can provide is the "18" rating. This category has few limitations in comparison to the lower age rating, however there is relatively large amount of films that are granted this rating for example major films like Django Unchained and The Wolf of Wall Street. Films like these could of contained not limitation on foul language used. Hard drugs are generally allowed,A famous example of a film that fits comfortably into this rating would be Pulp fiction as it contains a vast amount of drugs, profanity, sexual scenes , alcohol, smoking and gore. For example Two men get into a brutal fist fight in a pawn shop, one of whom prepares to shoot the other but is interrupted. One of them is hit in the head with the butt of a shotgun and knocked unconscious by a third man; the other man passes out from his injuries.n

The BBFC proves to be extremely important to the general public of the UK as protect children from unsuitable and even harmful content in films and videos and to give consumers information they might need about a particular film or video before deciding whether or not to view it. I am currently unsure of what exact age rating i plan on using for my own thriller film however i am considering on a 15 rating. In order to stay within the guideline for the age category i will have to constantly refer back to the criteria on the BBFC website or alternatively use the research that i have found here.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a good analysis of the BBFC and the various age certificates, mentioning what age group a category is suitable for in detail. However, you have given no examples to show your understanding of the various age certificates.

    you need to:
    1) Try and make sure your work is changed into your own words as much as possible
    2) Give examples of each age certificate, by stating how the content is applicable (use synopsis but put into own words)
    3) Elaborate on your conclusion, by stating how it has helped you decide what age certificate (state the one you plan to use) you will apply to your thriller sequence, and what you will be mindful to include/not include to stay in line with the various regulations
