Wednesday 24 September 2014

Sound- Miss.Miller

In this post i will be exploring sound techniques used in a scene and how they add shock,suspense and surprise. This scene has been chosen as it contains quite a few different sound techniques which helps me provide deeper analysis and research. Sound is an extremely important element to a film as like i previously mentioned it helps provide the three elements of a thriller film which are needed in order for it to be successful

Half way through the scene some digetic sound is used, there is banging coming from behind the door. The speed of the banging contributed a lot to the scene as it is quite slow, this is actually what helps create more suspense as like i mentioned it is in a slow rhythmic pace.The audience also do not expect to hear anything come from the cupboard so when the sudden sound occurs it becomes more shocking, This is conventional of a thriller as many thriller films have sudden sounds as it helps create shock and suspense for the audience.

Non-digetic sound is also appears in the scene when one of the characters checks what is behind the cupboard. The eerie soundtrack stays a slow pace as it creates a vast amount of suspense leading up to the opening of the cupboard, by keeping the sound at the tempo it allows the same level of suspense to be kept with the audience.Soundtracks are both very traditional and conventional of a thriller as help build suspense in scenes.

In this scene we can hear and see the girl breathing very heavily this is described as on screen sound as we are able to see where the sound is coming from. The deep and quick breathing builds suspense with the audience as we are able to see that something shocking is about to happen, this makes the audience anticipate what they think might be coming.This is quite conventional of a thriller as directors/producers often want to show the audience how panicked the characters are to add more shock and suspense.

At the end of the scene we can hear screams which would be described as off screen sound as the audience are not able to see where the sound is coming from.The off scream sounds don't necessarily create more suspense however would i say they create more shock as the audience are not actually able to see so instead it is left for them to imagine what is happening.

My research into sound has allowed me to understand the importance of it in a thriller as without it the three elements are not possible, it creates tension, shock, suspense and surprise very successfully.This has helped with my research as exploring sound has made me realize how essential it is in order to make my own film to be classified as successful.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You have provided a good analysis of the sound techniques used within this sequence, mentioning what sound is used and what it creates for the audience.

    You need to:
    1) Relate all points back to the audience and how they are able to build a relationship with the audience
    2) Relate all points back to the thriller genre and whether it is conventional
    3) Include times of your sound examples from the clip
    4) Elaborate on your points further to show a deeper understanding
    5) Elaborate on your conclusion by explaining what inspirations you have taken from this clip and why
