Friday 24 October 2014

Group Narrative- Mr.Georgiou

I am currently working with Samantha Apperley and Tyler Fullerton.
Group member 1- Samantha Apperley
My idea of a narrative for a new thriller film is a teenage girl has an argument with her boyfriend, causing him to walk off to go a get his car from the car park so he can go home. The girl goes after him but is too late. The car park is dark and deserted with no one around. As she stands in the middle of the car park alone, crying, she notices a tall figure standing in the way of the exit. She soon realises that it is a man who she often sees looking at her regularly; like a stalker. She starts to become panicked as there is no exit apart from the one he stands in. She pulls out her phone to call for help but has no service, leaving her unable to reach anyone. She decides to risk walking out to one of the exits and notices that the strange man behind starts to follow, she gradually starts to increase the pace of her walking as she starts to panic.Eventually when the pressure and suspense builds up she decides to start running with the killer behind her holding a knife, there is an entrance to the forest which she decides to enter in order to try and escape. The chase carries on within the forest however the female trips and tries to hide although the killer sees her and runs at her but then the scene cuts.

  • The narrative fits the number of characters and genders so it will be easy to film as we do not need anyone else to par take.
  • Enigma is incorporated into the scenes.
  • There is use of iconography for example there is a knife being used.
  • Many conventions have been used

  • The torture scene may be hard to replicate as we do not have the skills.
Tyler Osman:
A thriller in which the family that mysteriously went missing in a secluded farmhouse, in which a group of sixth form students (aged 16-17) go out to investigate the structure to see if they can find the origins of the disappearance. The protagonist of the film would be one of the group members, who will receive the most screen time (antagonist undecided)

  • Enigma is present in this narrative as we do not know who that antagonist is. 
  • The setting is quite unique.
  • Typical narrative of a thriller film.
  • Setting may be difficult to use.
  • No decided antagonist
  • Vague narrative
  • Not very conventional of a thriller
Mikaeel Khaliq:
  • Forest
  • low key lighting
  • killer might have a mask
  • urban myth that a killer lives in the forest
  • group of teenagers
  • wanting to explore the urban myth
  • all sneak out of house at night 
  • decide to meet at forest 
  • all explore the forest
  • they think its not true 
  • they hear some rustling 
  • start to get a little scared but brush it off
  • then killer comes running out 
  • briefly show him with the handheld camera
  • they all start to run back 
  • screaming and shouting
  • end  
  • Incorporated quite a few conventions
  • Typical thriller narrative
  • Enigma is used
  • A little too vague
  • Might be difficult during the night in a forest

The final group narrative is mainly based on the idea of group member 1 as it contained many of the conventions that are used in the thriller and was generally a better narrative.We discussed each narrative and whether we should could create an entirely new one however based on the point i discussed before hand we felt that we should use group member 1's narrative which is could be altered if need be.

Our narrative is based on the teory of todorov as it contains both an equilbrium and disequilibrium.We have chosen this theory as it best fits the narrative as it contains a state of disequilbrium at the beginning, A continued state of disequilbrium by some action, a recognition that that there has been a disruption, an attempt to repair the disruption and a reinstatement of the equilbrium.

Our narrative contains many convention of a thriller, we have decided to incorporate a female victim so we can convey the three elements better, we have also used a killer who has a hidden identity in order to create more enigma and shock.The setting of our narrative is also very conventional as it is set in dark mysterious places like a forest and an abandoned car park.We made to sure to use iconography as based on our survey we found that many people liked the use of knifes in thriller films as it made the scenes more shocking. This narrative appeals to our taregt audience as we incorporated a few of the ideas used in the surveys as many of the people asked in our survey were in our target market which is primerily teenagers.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some group planning, which is evident through the advantages and disadvantages that you have included above, but it is difficult to see the group member that you are commenting on, therefore you need to include your group member's names.

    You have made a start in considering a narrative theory to follow, but you need to relate the theory points back to your group narrative, to demonstrate further understanding of following Todorov's theory.
