Tuesday 4 November 2014

Planning mise en scene- Miss Georgiou

Setting and iconography 

The setting will be in two locations which is an abandoned car park and an eerie forest.We decided to use these two settings as we concluded that they are typical settings of a thriller which makes our scene more conventional they also fit well into our narrative helping us create a more mysterious scene. We may also incorporate a scene which shoes the character in a dark alleyway which make our scene even more conventional to a thriller it is will most definitely create more suspense in our scenes.The order of the setting will be the abandoned car park, alley way and finally the forest, there was no reason for using the settings in the sequence as it is just the way the narrative as been created although this sequence may help to add more suspense as it the environment becomes more obscure making the female character more helpless.As i previously mentioned every setting we are going to use are very conventional to thriller as they all help us emphasise suspense, shock and surprise which are narrative already contains.
We have decided to use two pieces of iconography which is a phone and knife. We decided to use a knife as it used in practically every thriller but also tends to create more shock as the audience are able to relate to this weapon as it is commonly used as a tool for murder.The knife will be seen in the antagonists hands once he chances the female victim and will be continue to be seen in his hand s throughout the narrative. We have also incorporated the use of a phone in one of the scenes specifically when the female victim tries to use it to call for help but comes to a realisation that she has no signal.The use of the phone helps portray more of a panicked state in the female victim as the audience finally realise that the female victim is helpless in the abandoned car park which will also create more shock for the audience. These use of these two objects very common in thriller as they are used as tools to create more shock and suspense which we have tried to replicate in our narrative as we would like our narrative would be more conventional.

Costumes, hair and make up

The antagonist for narrative will be wearing all black clothing with a possible mask.We have decided to use two pieces of iconography which is a phone and knife. 
Lighting and color

The main type of lighting used in our scene is low key lighting which is the technical opposite of the high-key arrangement, because in low-key the fill light is at a very low level, causing the frame to be cast with large shadows. This causes stark contrasts between the darker and lighter parts of the framed image, and for much of the subject of the shot to be hidden behind in the shadows. This type of lighting fits the general theme of the thriller genre as often most scenes are quite dark in order to create more suspense as the audience do not have a general sense of what is going on which can also cause the audience to be surprise and shocked once something significant happens. It seems that low key lighting helps all three elements of the thriller genre which is the reason it is going to used throughout our scenes. This type of lighting is very conventional to thriller films as it clearly helps emphasize all the elements which are key to creating to a successful thriller film so it very often used.

Facial expressions and body language 

During the chase scene the facial expression of the victim is clearly going to be very panicked as we want the audience to see that the victim is genuinely scared for her life, this will hopefully create more panic and shock in the audience as they are able to see how frightened the female victim is. The body language of either the female or male character during the arguing scene will be closed as they do not wish to show how they feel this will most likely be the female victim as the male will most likely have very open body language to show how aggressive and angry he is, this is something that the audience will pick up on as the two characters are acting in two very different manors.The antagonist will also have very open body language which shows the audience that he is confident with the actions that he plans on committing this actually makes the antagonist seem more frightening as he has no remorse. These facial expressions and types of body languages are generally quite conventional of a thriller as they are often used in many films to help portray the characteristics of the characters and allow the audience to engage more as they are able to see how they react to certain situations

Positioning of characters

The victim will most likely being using two camera techniques which are handheld or POV these two techniques are going to be used so we can emphasize the situation so the audience are able to see what is happening from the victims point of view this will help create add more shock and suspense to the scene as they will be able to see how panicked and desperate the female victim is. This technique will most likely be used during the chase scene so the audience can see situation more clearly and feel as if they are in the same position.We also plan on using a high angle when we show the female victim on the floor as this will help accentuate the vulnerability of the victim as these type of shots are often used to show that the individual is helpless and will be easier to convey to the audience.Both types of techniques are conventional to thriller as they help emphasize the elements of a thriller film and also help the audience engage further with the scene by allowing them to interpret the scene further

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates proficient planning techniques. It is clear to see that you have considered your group planning to complete this post. This post also demonstrates proficient knowledge and understanding of the codes and conventions of a thriller film and the role of mise-en-scene.

    Now you need to-
    1) Consider how your mise-en-scene will appeal to your target audience
    2) Include images to support the points that you have made
    3) Be specific about your lighting, rather than providing a definition
    4) Complete the costume element
