Tuesday 18 November 2014

Planning editing styles-Miss.Georgiou

Editing styles are important top include within a thriller film as they help engage the three main elements of a thriller fully. The three elements are shock,surprise and suspense which are essentially the emotions that thriller films aim to create, various types of editing styles help to create each element for example slow editing emphasises the suspense created in the scene making the situation more intense for the audience.Certain styles of editing can also make characters seem more vulnerable, this makes the relationship between the audience and the character stronger as the audience feel more compelled to feel sorry for the character as they are helpless.

The three styles of editing we have decided to use are slow editing, montage editing and fades.The slow editing will be used during the beginning of the chase scene to help create more suspense to the scene as the character will slowly come to realisation that she is being followed by a  masked man. As the suspense is built up it makes the following scene more shocking as the audience are more on edge and may not be necessarily expecting a sudden change in events.This will immediately create a stronger bond between the character and the audience as they will see that she is a very vulnerable state from the argument she has just had and now suddenly she has a strange man following her, the audience will also slowly realise that there is no way that the female can escape.This editing technique is very conventional to thriller sequences as it often used to add more suspense to the scene and leave the audience questioning what may happen next.

Montage editing is the speed of editing , where shots are juxtaposed together. The main scene this technique will be used is during the chase scene as we want to create more excitement, shock and surprise to the scene which is conventional to thriller films as it helps create the three element of a thriller, it is also a technique used in all thriller films for the same purpose. The relationhship between the audience and the character will grow stronger as this is where their predictions become true, they will see that the female victim is now completley helpless and in a complete state of panic. The audience will start have an attachment to the character as they notice that the female victim is helpless so they feel obliged to root in her favour.

At the end of the sequence we will incorporate fade which is when the screen fades to black this often means an ending to a scene, this specific editing technique works well for our scene as it we are only producing an opening scene so this will allow us to end the scene and leave the audience questioning what will happen next. The sole purpose of the technique is to create a large amount of suspense and enigma at the end of the scene especially as the scene will be left on a cliff hangerm, this should continue to make our thriller film more coventional as every aspect of all the techniques add shock,suspense and surprise. The relationship between the characters and the audience may not neccassarily be strengthened however

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some proficient planning techniques, which is evident through the editing styles that you have selected to write to write about.

    To develop your planning further you need to consider the conventions of a thriller in more detail and the effect that you wish to create. You also need to explore the relationship between your audience in more detail and the emotions that will be created, through the editing styles that you have selected to write about. This will enable your planning to be more detailed.
