Monday 10 November 2014

Planning sound-Miss.Miller

 Sound is considered to be important in thriller films as it helps emphasise the three main elements of a thriller, it can also help the audience engage further with the scene. Planning is essential when creating scenes as in order for certain element so match up before hand there needs to be process where the initial idea is analysed and developed further. During the planning process we are also able to see whether the sound that has been chosen for that scene matches the situation for example in a chase scene we may decide to emphasise the heavy breathing of characters to show the panicked state of the victim.

A large majority of the sounds used in our scenes will be non digetic sounds which is sound or music that is added on after, such as in the editing stage. There are many types of non-digetic sound but we have decided to use eerie soundtracks for certain scenes like the scene where the female victim finds herself stranded in an abandoned car park. We hope that the eerie soundtrack will hopefully create more suspense as well as shock in the leading scenes as it will indicate when something is happening and tends to make the audience feel more uneasy, it will also help to create more contrast in other scenes.Like i previously mentioned before we also plan to use a heavy breathing in the chase scenes as it allows the audience to see how panicked the victim is and that they are struggling to survive this will also make the audience feel more shocked and allow suspense to build up to the ending scene of the chase scene. Both forms of non-digetic sound are quite conventional to thrillers as they create the three elements of a thriller which any convention should do to make the film more typical of the thriller genre.The audience will feel more compassionate to the female victim as both of these forms of non-digetic sound are aimed at her so they can only build a stronger relationship with that specific character.

Digetic sound which is music or sound that belongs within a frame can be considered to be a natural part of the narrative. This type of sound will be of use mainly in the first couple of scenes when we see the two characters arguing in an obscure car park. The manor in which the words will be spoken is what will dictate the emotion of the audience, the dialogue we have decided to use is going to be very aggressive so the straight away the audience are experiencing the element of shock and uneasiness. During another scene where the female victim notices that she is being following there will be another use of dialogue which is screaming, this will be used in order for more shock and surprise to built up at the beginning of the chase which will immediately show that the female is in fact extremely frightening and could add more suspense in the build up to the chase. This type of digetic sound is conventional as there dialogue in practically every film produced as it allows the narrative to be improved and also allows the three elements to be expressed more easily.

Parallel sound will be used which is when the sound and the images on the screen complement each other.This type of sound will be specifically used during the chase scene when the audience can hear the footsteps of the characters, it is not the sound we want the audience to concentrate on but rather the tempo as that will show the state that they are in so in this scene the tempo will be very fast as the female victim is trying to escape the antagonist. Once the audience notice this there should be an increase in suspense throughout the scene as they wonder whether the female victim will be able to escape or not.This is conventional as often in thriller films where there is a chase film the sound of the footsteps are emphasised in order for more suspense to be built.

Silence will be used in certain likes during the beginning of the chase scene. We have decided to use segments of silence as it often allows things to be more highlighted so the audience may analyse the scene more as there nothing to listen to, it can also be used another technique to make scenes more frightened in thriller films. However our main purpose for the use of silence is to create more suspense as like i previously mentioned it makes the audience concentrate more on the situation.It can also make certain scenes more shocking if it is accompanied with a large amount of sound afterwards as the contrast catches the audience off guard.This sound technique would be considered conventional as it allows for suspense and shock to be created within scenes which all conventions aim to create.

My sequence would more effective in creating emotions and reactions if there were more conventional like the sound a stabbing knife as this may create more shock and surprise in the audience however overall i think i have created enough conventions in my opening sequence in order for the suspense,shock and surprise all to be created within the my opening sequence.The planning period allowed me to successfully ensure that the sound techniques i wanted to use helped my opening sequence become more conventional to thriller films as i was able to analyse my ideas and pick the most suitable one to fit my narrative.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a sound analysis of the sound you intend to use within your sequence, explaining what they should create, and briefly mentioning how a relationship can be built

    You need to:
    1) Elaborate on some of your points further by thinking about what these techniques create
    2) Elaborate on how and why a relationship can be built between characters and the audience as a result of sounds used
    3) Make sure you separate examples and only talk about examples that are relevant to the technique mentioned e.g. non-diegetic, don't talk about breathing as this is diegetic (put in separate paragraph)
    4) Include pic of group's A3 sheet
