Wednesday 26 November 2014

Individual Storyboard – Miss Miller

A storyboard is a sequence of pictures that illustrates a scene which in our case is the opening scene.Using a storyboard allows us to structure how the scenes will fold out and allow us to make any alternations if necessary. It can also be used as a tool to show the rest of the members in my group the ideas i have come up with or the perception of the scenes that we plan on producing.The storyboard will also allow us to plan the type of camera angles,lighting,sounds and editing techniques we want to use when it comes to filming our scene.

As previously mentioned the main reason for creating our own storyboard is so we can put our own perceptions of how the scene is going to be in a planned out structure. In my story board i decided to make some of the camera techniques to be handheld as it is something i had seen before in the thriller "Halloween" this helped to conceal the identity of the antagonist which is something we hope to fulfil in our thriller however it also added more shock and suspense to the scene as the audience were able to see a first person view from the killer which made the scene feel more realistic.The setting which the scenes were set in are all conventional of a thriller so there were many films like "friday the 13th" and so on that incorporated a large deserted forest which i felt was a good location to help emphasise the elements of shock,surprise and suspense as this sort of location had an eerie and mystical presence when watching the film and a location like this is easily found.I decided to include low key lighting throughout some of the scenes as this is the main type of lighting that creates more enigma and suspense in scenes as the audience are able to see less of the scene leaving them wondering what is happening.However we also decided to include a contrast in the lighting as this would provide a deeper shock for the audience as they would end up becoming used to the low key lighting so in order for this to be more effective there also needs to be a contrast in the lighting.I have also decided on adding eerie music into certain scenes in order to increase suspense, surprise or shock depending on where it is most appropriate, this is a technique that is used in practically used in every thriller film as sound always helps enhances a scene.

I think my storyboard proficiently expresses my perception of how i want the scenes to be set out this should help when we eventually make the group storyboard as we will be able to incorporate my  ideas if the group feels that it is something they also want to include into the opening scene. I might decide to change the lighting as i feel the lighting is more effective when the lighting goes from high to low key lighting rather then being at the same level constantly. 

At the end of the my storyboard i have decided to in corporate the use of high angles as i felt that the use of this camera angle would be most appropriate for the scene which is when the antagonist leans over the female victim and is now trapped. During our analysis of cinematography we came to the conclusion that the use of the high angle allows for whoever is lower to seem more inferior in comparison to any other character which is already true in that scene however by using this specific angle it makes it more apparent to the audience as they realise just how helpless the female victim really is. The use of low key lighting in my storyboard is significant as it ultimately sets the scene for the whole scene however upon refection i will most likely create a contrast in low key lighting and normal day light as this will allow for a greater effect on the audience as the sudden change in lighting will indicate that the something is about to happen therefore creating more suspense in the audience. Throughout the opening sequence there will be a sound track that like the lighting will add to the setting as the nature of the music can either make the scene seem eerie which is the aim or the opposite, so when it comes to editing i will be looking to find fitting music that can add to the eeriness of the scene and make the audience feel more on edge throughout. A soundtrack is also essential as there is only a small section that contains dialogue so the soundtrack also acts as filler for the rest of sequence.


  1. You have provided a basic analysis of your storyboard, explaining what your sequence will consist of and how you hope the audience will react to it.

    You need to:
    1) Pick three specific examples (when are they used in the sequence?) of micro-elements used in the sequence that you feel are the most significant - do a PEER analysis of these
    2) Elaborate on your examples by being specific and explaining why it creates certain reactions etc.

  2. You have elaborated on why you have included certain examples, and what you hope they will create in order for the audience to build a relationship with the characters, as well as mentioning where you have taken inspirations from. You still need to explain how these examples are conventional, and include a conclusion explaining how this will help with your group storyboard etc.
