Tuesday 2 December 2014

Inspirations - Miss.Georgiou

We need inspiration before we can create our thriller process as in order to produce a film that is appealing and engages the audience. We can take inspiration from other films as we are able to see what techniques have been used in order to create suspense, surprise and shock. i have taken inspiration from various films like scream, sin city, the conjuring and Halloween as they all use many different techniques to engage the audience with the three elements that i previously mentioned.

 In this scene there were many inspirations that i took and then incorporated into my actual thriller sequence for example there was a vast amount of slow editing as well as fast timing of shots which are essential in every thriller film.This type of editing inspired me as it allowed the director of this film to portray the emotions of suspense and panic with simple editing techniques which can easily be incorporated into any film.I will try to incorporate these techniques into my opening scene during the whole chase scene as this is the type of situations that these type of editing scenes are used in as suspense and shock is always present in these scenes.It is difficult to make the use of these editing styles completely different as it is similar situation used in "The human centipede"however during the editing stage i will make sure that the use of these techniques is not exactly the same.

Previously i had looked at the conventions used in the film "scream 4" there many conventions used that were actually used in many films such as the sealed identity of the killer, use of knife and blonde female victim. These were all relatively inspiring as they were conventions that seemed to be used in many successful thriller films and also added more suspense, shock and surprise to many of the scenes filmed. It evident from many of my more recent posts that i have decided to use all three of these conventions as it fit the narrative so well,  however i have tried making sealed identity of the antagonist a little different as usually many of the antagonists film wear masks however ours does not yet the killers identity is not revealed. Unfortunately i was not able to make the the use of the knife and the female blonde victim unique as it they are conventions that are not able to be altered and tend to be similar in many thriller films.

In this post i researched the cinematography used in the film sin city and there were many types of camera angles and shots that were of interest me as they showed me different how characters can be portrayed differently depending on the camera angle or shot.In the scene they used close ups and high angle shots which showed emphasised the the expression on the characters face and  the high angle showed me that if you manipulate the camera angle to make certain characters seem either more inferior or less inferior. I plan on incorporating both types of camera angles/shots and many more throughout my opening scene however i will try to make them a little different but these types of shot/angles are quite conventional so they represent the same idea in most films.For example i will a high angle to make the victim seem more inferior which is done in many other thriller films making it quite conventional to a thriller.

In this film there are many aspects of sound which are of interest to me like the use of screaming and heavy breathing both of which added more suspense and shock to the scene.These two particular styles of sound have provided me with inspiration to use them in my opening scene as the screams showed the audience how scared or panicked the victim was and the heavy breathing depending on which character it comes from also adds suspense to the scene as it adds a sense of doubt to the audience.These two particular aspects of sound are going to be used within my scene during the chase scene to show that the victim is extremely scared and the heavy breathing will show that she is starting to become helpless, this has become different to the film above as it is used in different situations and used in a different concept.

My research was helpful as it allowed me to see many other conventional techniques in other films which i could use and adapt into my style to fit the narrative.These techniques have made my sequence better as using the techniques from other films i can now emphasise the three elements of shock,surprise and suspense in a better manor.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates proficient knowledge and understanding of the thriller films that you have watched, which have provided you with inspiration. You have made a start in analysing the various micro elements and you have made a start in relating back to your own production. However, these points need to be elaborated in more detail. This can be achieved by relating back to your group storyboards further.
