Wednesday 10 December 2014

Group storyboard- miss.miller

The purpose of a group storyboard is for all of the group members to combine their interpretations from the individual storyboards and all come to an agreement as to what the final opening scene should be like in the form of a storyboard however here we can also focus on the types of camera angles, iconography and the types of editing styles that we want to use.So once we had all created our own storyboards we scheduled a group meeting and proceeded to compare all of our storyboards evaluating each section and coming to a conclusion as to which one is most suitable for the final opening scene or alternatively we could have decided to combine two different into one if they both add value to the scene.

As i previously mentioned we created a group storyboard so we could all combine the ideas of the individual group members into one final story which will would be the most conventional in relation to thriller films as all 3 of the individuals storyboards were critiqued in order to be most conventional and suitable for our end opening scene due to the scrutiny. There were certain element in group members storyboards that we decided to include for example one of the group members had incorporated varying timing of shots which allowed us to portray more emotions to the audience through a change in editing style for example using slow editing in the scenes we want to emphasise the emotion of suspense and fast editing in the scenes where we would like to emphasise the emotion of panic.There were also certain elements that we all had included in our own individual storyboard which were low key lighting so of course this type of lighting was used in scene as it was clear that it was something that we all agreed on. There were also new ideas from certain group members like including the sound of a heartbeat or heavy breathing in certain scene in order to stress the emotions of the characters so during the chase scene in our opening scene we would use a faster heart beat to show the audience that the victim is extremely frightening and clearly fighting to escape the antagonist , the heavy breathing would also further strengthen this as the audience can relate heavy breathing to a state of panic, these types of sounds are often used in thriller films which is one of the main reasons we have used them as it further conveys emotions as well as making certain elements more conventional.Many of the elements used have been inspired from other films , for example the use of slow and fast editing was inspired from the human centipede as there is a scene that uses theses editing styles very effectively. The use of a heartbeat was quite clearly used in shutter island which one of my other groups must have used previously for inspiration on sound or other elements however for the use of this sound to be effective the sound must be edited in correctly and fit the images of the scene.We incorporated all of these ideas by creating a group meeting and discussing ideas that we had previously come up with in our own story boards, during the meeting we all looked at other group members storyboards and noted which ideas we liked. After we noted the ideas we liked we then discussed which would be best for our opening scene and collectively created a group storyboard and incorporated the most suitable ideas.

The storyboard we have created fits the purpose as it has done exactly what we wanted which was to incorporate all the best and most relevant ideas from different group members.As previously mentioned we managed to incorporate others ideas by having a group meeting and discussing the elements we had used in each others storyboards.No compromises had to be made as my group generally had a similar concept of how we wanted the final storyboard so we knew what elements we wanted to include.I did not necessarily have to make any compromises however i should added more editing styles in the storyboard which will most likely be used when we get to the editing stage apart from this i have nothing else i wish to change.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a minimal analysis of your group’s storyboard, explaining some of what your sequence will consist of and how you hope the audience will react to it.

    You need to:
    1) Pick three specific examples of micro-elements used from each group member’s individual storyboard in the sequence that you feel are the most significant - do a detailed PEER analysis of these
    2) Say what thrillers you, as a group, have taken inspirations from and why - where is this evident in your storyboard?
    3) Elaborate on everything
    4) Include pic of your group's storyboard
