Wednesday 10 December 2014

Opening scene narrative- Miss.Miller

The scene starts wit the two characters which are supposed to be portrayed as a couple, they're situated in a deserted car park at  the time of dusk. The setting was specified within the miss-en-scene ensuring that it was conventional as possible. We carried on the conventions this scene/setting as we made sure that low key lighting was present the whole scene as this created more suspense throughout the scene. The scene then goes on to show the two characters in a heated argument which should hopeful shock the audience straight away as the opening scene does not ease the audience into the theme of the thriller, the low key lighting is key here as we want the audience to feel more tense.The argument carries on for a short period of time before the male character storms of to his cars and leaves the female stranded in the dark car park with no way of getting home, ideally we are going to create a close-up at this point so the audience are able to see the facial expressions of the female character.

 Soon after the stalker will be shown however before this we want the audience to come to a realisation that the female character is in fact alone in the car which should hopefully build a sense of suspense in the audience we may do this by incorporating a long shot which is designed to show the environment in which the character is in which fits the purpose here.When the stalker is shown in the camera shot there should be some sort of non-digetic sound which will show the audience that this character is the antagonist as it will make the situation suddenly seem more eerie.The costume of the antagonist will first be revealed to the audience here, which is dark clothing that hides the identity of the antagonist in order to create more mystery about the character.The main focus during this part of the scene is making sure that the female is to convey emotions of panic to the audience to make them realise that the character in the distance is in fact something to be afraid of.

The scene then goes on to the show the female character panic even further as she frantically to get her phone out however to her dismay the phone has no signal, here there will be a combination of a mid shot and a close of up of the phone , the mid shot will be used to show he body language of the female character and of the phone to emphasise that there is no signal which makes the character stranded in the car park.The style of editing will most likely be fast paced here as we want the audience to really feel that the situation is in a state of dismay, this type of editing is achieved by changing the camera angle several times.
After this scene the antagonist will slowly come to a realisation that the girl is on her phone and most likely trying to call for help so he makes his move and walks toward the female character, naturally she becomes hysterical and decides to brisk walk towards any type of exit from this car park no matter where it leads too.

 The female character ends up walking to an alleyway where a panning shot will be used in order to show the audience the environment as well as showing that the speed that the characters are running at which is important as this show how much the female character wants to get away front the antagonist. As the characters run out of the alleyway the female character sees a forest and decides to run into it as she sees it as a way out. A POV is used in the chase scene as it shows the audience what the antagonists point of view is hopefully create more shock as the audience and can experience the situation from a first person view. The chase scene carries on deep into the forest as know the female character slowly starts to become more and more helpless, eventually she evades for him for a while but she falls over a branch which looses her critical time as the antagonist is not far behind holding a knife which adds more shock and surprise to the audience as there is the presence of death constantly through the chase scene.When the female character falls there is no longer enough time for her to escape as the killer is now running up to her, he bends over her and and the lifts the knife up, the scene then ends her in order to add more enigma to the scene as the audience are kept guessing as to what will happen next.

The opening scene we have created is conventional in many ways for example the characters, iconography, lighting, editing and sounds are all inspired from other thriller films which ensures that our opening scene is relative to other thriller films which ultimately is what makes the various elements and the film as a whole conventional 

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a good recount of your group's opening scene narration, explaining what happens at each stage.

    You need to:
    1) Make sure you cover all micro-elements (editing seems to be lacking in comparison to others) used at each stage
    2) Double check spelling and grammar
