Tuesday 2 December 2014

Group planning

My group members are Samantha Apperley and Tyler Osman, group meetings are essential as they allow all the group members to exchange ideas with each other which will make the narrative and general concepts improve.

In our first meeting we discussed the fundamentals of our task which was the narratives, we initially produced our own narrative so we had something to discuss in our meeting. We then analysed each narrative and came to a conclusion that Samantha's was the most suitable to our task however we felt that some elements needed changing such as the end scene where she had planned a torture seen however  thought this would be too had create as we do not have the means to make it look realistic, it also made the opening scene seem more like a scene that would occur in the middle of a film. So we then changed the ending to a chase scene which we had seen in mant thriller filsm before hand while doing out reasearch tasks, we felt that this was more appropriate then the torture scene and at the same time made our scene more conventioanl as through this we could add many more conventions such as slow editing.

We planned the type of facial expressions and body language that needed to be used within our thriller scene for example the victim needed to have a scared expression on her face throughout the chase scene and closed body language throughout the arguement to show some fear.The costume were also decided upon as this showed the audience what type of people the characters are, myself and samantha are wearing casual clothes whereas tyler who will be the anatagonist will be wearing all black clothes to try and hide his identity and the pyhsical charactersistics to create more enigma in relation to the characters. We planned on using low key lighting throughout the scene as when we looked at many other thriller films this seemed to be the main type of lighting as it made it harder for the audience to see certain things therefore creating more suspense and mystery.As mentioned previously we had planned on using an abandonmed car park and and obscure forest as these both make the settings of the scene more conventional to thriller films.

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