Friday 12 December 2014

Roles- Miss.Miller

It is essential for roles to be allocated to individual members as it is not possible for directors to do every role especially in large films as there are many tasks to do which is only possible when located to different people.There are many roles within the production team for example there are producers,editors, sound producers, writers and many more which are all necessary for a film of any genre .

We decided on certain roles before the actual production of the film however our main criteria for allocating the roles was experience in the role or in a similar role, so for example i had experience with finding copyright free music in the past so i allocated myself to that role and was able to quiet easily find sounds that were adequate for our film as well as fitting the criteria for the music used. The roles allocated for each member were as follows:

  • Producers (definition:"prepare and then supervise the making of a film before presenting the product to a financing entity or a film distributor")- Tyler Osman,  Mikaeel Khaliq
  • Directors (definition: "a person who directs the making of a film")-Tyler Osman , Mikaeel Khaliq
  • Actors (definition: "individuals that have the role of performing") - Mikaeel Khaliq, Tyler Osman and Samantha Apperly
  • Director of Photography (definition: "The person who is in charge of the lighting and camera settings of the motion picture but who does not always control the camera itself")-  Mikaeel Khaliq
  • Music producers (definition:" Those who have the role of either producing suitable music or being able to locate copyright free music")-  Mikaeel Khaliq, Samantha Apperly
  • Screen Writers (definition:" an individual who creates an orginal narrative for a film or other media products") - Samantha Apperly
  • Editors (definition: "works with the raw footage, selecting shots and combining them into sequences to create a finished motion picture")- Tyler Osman
Tyler Osman's roles are stated above. Tyler specifically did quite well when it came to directing the film as it seemed he had quite a clear vision as to what would look best on camera and was able to give good suggestions in terms of cinematography and how the scene should be filmed even when he was on camera which proved to very useful as a second opinion allows for reflection and can most certain prevent mistakes.He also had no problem during the role of his acting apart from being a little irresponsible in regards to the costume however we were able to over come the problem with a few adjustments.In regards to the editing he started off well as he claimed that he previous knowledge in editing film which is why we chose to let him do the task individually however his quality of work did not seem to be up to par so i decided to take it upon myself to continue with editing as i was more willing to put in the work which turned out to be for better.\\

Samantha Apperley's roles are also stated above in the list. Samantha's major role was the acting as she was a vital part of our opening sequence as she was the main character and had to be in every single role, this provided both negative and positive aspects. The role she played was up to a relatively high standard which i cannot fault her for however as she was such a key element to the filming she did prove to be quite difficult to in organising herself to meet at the arranged time of filming which was most probably her major downfall. There were other minor downfalls like refusing to do certain things during filming but they were amenable. However she did provide the narrative for the whole opening sequence which a quiet conventional to thriller films which made it a good choice of narrative.

Within their role the other members of the group have continued to do research on their specific roles in order to ensure that the final opening sequence is to the highest quality. We have tried to stick to the roles which have assigned to ourselves however in certain roles other other group members have had to take over in order to ensure that the task has been completed fully and to the highest degree of quality possible. By creating specific role for each group member it should have allowed us to focus solely on the roles which we had designated to ourselves, it should have also made the roles easier for each of the group members as we had less to concentrate on. The specific roles also should have assured that we were able to designate more time to the roles as we had a smaller burden, which ultimately should increase the quality of our opening sequence. 

In conclusion, the roles allocated to each member did not necessarily prevent other members from not doing other tasks, the editing task eventually became a shared task between myself and another group member. However as a whole each group member did reasonably well in their allocated role although there were a few roles which were shared among the group. I would make sure that the roles of each group members were not shared as this would have made the process a lot quicker.


  1. You have provided a minimal explanation of the roles involved in production, and no analysis of each group member's role - seems like the second half is part of another post?

    You need to:
    1) Give a list of the different roles allocated and a definition of what each involves
    2) Write a paragraph for each person, listing the different roles they were allocated and analysing what they did well/could have done differently
    3) Conclusion should give a general analysis of filming and whether things went well, and how you might have done things differently with hindsight=

  2. You have given a brief analysis of your group member's roles and how they did (but no analysis of yourself?), as well as discussing briefly your groups overall strengths and weaknesses, and amendments made. You need to analyse your roles and elaborate on what you would do differently
