Sunday 22 February 2015


When creating an opening sequence the target audience has to be taken into account as this can be  restrictive when the content and also allow the production to head into a particular vision depending on the target audience.

There are also other factors when deciding the target audience for the chosen narrative which are the age ratings provided by the BBFC which can change depending on the criteria that they feel is suitable for certain ages, So if the narrative seems to be too violent we may have to increase the age of the tiny audience which is not necessarily a problem in most cases.

My target audience will be both genders from the age of fifteen and above as like mentioned i have looked at various things like the BBFC's guidelines for age ratings and have also used my own judgement. The factors that have influenced my judgement consist of various elements such as the narrative which in my opinion is not necessarily extremely violent or disturbing however it does have an alarming nature about it, there were other aspects such as the ideas that we had yet to include like the use of a knife and most probably some use of profanity which would most certainly be deemed as insensitive to anyone under the age of 15.

The opening sequence i have created will appeal to my audience as when i started planning my opening sequence almost every decision made was with the view of my target audience in mind. During my research into thriller films i also made sure that the films i was researching had a similar target audience which meant that i was able to pick out key elements of the films that the target audience liked and use for inspiration in my own opening sequence, for example the use of a knife was very popular as it seemed like the audience could relate to it and it also helped to make the scene a lot more gory and violent. The narrative I have produced should appeal to my target audience as I have included certain aspects like enigma and the general narrative does not reveal too much which should keep the audience interested throughout the film. The narrative is loosely based on other films like Halloween which seemed to be very popular, for example the unidentified antagonist, blonde female victim and certain iconography have all been inspired from that film.The characters were also roughly the same age as the target audience which again allow the audience to relate more as they may be able to see themselves in a similar situation. Apart from the conventions I have mentioned above there are others included such as the variable lighting from low key lighting to more normal lighting which make certain scenes seem more intense which should make the audience more intrigued.


  1. Your analysis of question 4, demonstrates minimal understanding of how your thriller sequence appeals to your audience. You have identified your audience, but you have not considered your sequence in enough detail and how the thriller would appeal to your age group.

    This can be achieved, by focusing on your narrative, character representations and micro elements, to demonstrate further understanding of this task.

  2. The extra transcript, written element that you have included, helps to support some of the points that you have made on how your product appeals to an audience. However, you have not explored these points in enough detail and have only included a brief overview, instead of relating to specific and detailed examples. Therefore, this question now demonstrates a basic understanding.

    Finally aim to make these changes into video, as well as having the adapted, written transcript.
