Sunday 22 February 2015


Before the opening sequence went into production I decided to conduct primary research which is first-hand information I have collected. The two methods i used was the questionnaire and the vox pops which both proved to be very useful. The questionnaire was based on 40 people who answer 12 questions which we had provided in order to get a better understanding of the general public views on thriller films and their most liked aspects which were important as we want to create an opening sequence that is attractive to the general public, it also gave us a better understanding of our target audience as the people who answered had to state their age. The vox pops also aided  in this as the same questionnaire was asked which added to the results and also gave us a visual representation of the people we asked. The feedback we received proved to be very helpful as it allowed us a greater insight Of the views of our potential target audience which can now possibly help us to decrease the amount of time we spend  planning the opening sequence.

To add to this a large amount of planning was done in the upcoming months on certain elements like Mis en scene, sound, cinematography and majority of the other components of a thriller film. These all helped tremendously when deciding on what narrative to produce as these elements that had to be formed could be referred back to my research and see how other films have used sound or cinematography in the films however these were not copied as there were only taken as inspiration for our own opening sequence.

As I mentioned I also found inspiration through films which i used as inspiration for my own opening sequence which I was able to analyse in great depth which helped me to broaden my knowledge on certain subjects like conventions and characters which ultimately help when producing my own opening sequence, as I could see what worked well in those and what I would have done differently based on my own opinion.However there were a few inspirations that were mainly taken from the two films Halloween and Scream 4 which were the male antagonist, blonde female victim, use of a mobile phone and the knife. 

When comparing both my primary secondary research I found them both to be  an extremely big help when it came to producing my own opening sequence as combined it allowed me to see how the thriller genre differed from other genres as well as making a lot of decisions easier.

From my primary and secondary there were no inspirations as such however we were able to spot trends in the answers that were given for example many of the individuals who fitted the target audience liked to see their thriller films with quite a large amount of gore.We also found that they preferred eerie settings like a dark forest or an abandoned house which i then went on to use in my own opening sequence.

1 comment:

  1. Your analysis of question 5, demonstrates a basic understanding of how you addressed your target audience. You have started to consider the primary and secondary research that you carried out and you have started to consider some of the results that you received. However, these points need to be elaborated on further, by focusing on how the results assisted you in creating your sequence.
