Sunday 22 February 2015


The preliminary task acted as a learning process for my group in regards to using the camera and tripod, it was also a situation that many of us had  not been in so i was able to learn how to react on camera even though the scene we had produced was very short.

Personally this task helped with the thriller as like i have mentioned it allowed me to learn the functions of the camera and tripod, two pieces of equipment which i have not had a lot of experience with.Aside from the functions of the camera it allowed me to have a small insight as to how to direct a scene which was my role during the preliminary task, in order to direct the actors need a direction to follow in order for the scene to be filmed in the way that i wanted. Had i not had this task it would of been far more difficult to set up the camera and tripod on the first day of filming as they were a little more complicated then i thought, there were also functions like the zoom in and so forth which took a little time to properly used.

When creating my thriller i made sure to include more angles and different camera shots in order to show a wide range of them being used, in the correct context of course. The different camera shots were used according to what scene they fit best for example high angle to show that the victim was far more in superior in comparison to the antagonist. Apart from making sure that we used a wide variety of camera angles and shots there was not much else that we could try to incorporate from our preliminary task or do differently.


  1. Your analysis of question 7, does not demonstrate any understanding of this question and what the purpose of the preliminary task was. This is because you have just written a very minimal overview of what you did. Instead of a detailed analysis of what you did and how it helped you with progressing to the main task.

    Therefore, you need to refer back to the evaluation question handout, which will support you in developing this further.

  2. This post demonstrates a minimal understanding of how the preliminary task assisted you with carrying out the main task. This is because you have still not fully explored the purpose of carrying out the task, what you did, what you learnt from using the equipment and what you would do differently and why?

    You need to focus more on the task it self and consider what you did differently from the preliminary task to the main task and why?
