Tuesday 27 January 2015

planning cinematography- Miss.Miller

Cinematography is a key element in the production of a thriller of as it allows us to convey more emotions into a scene by using different camera angles for example using a higher angle allows us to make one of the characters seem vulnerable as they being looked down upon.Planning is required as in order to create excellent sequences we need to decide which angles will be most suited for certain scenes  so we are able to convey the three elements of a thriller further.

We plan on using a POV angle during the chase so the audience are able to see the situation from the female victims point of view. We've chosen to use this camera angle as it allows the audience to see exactly how the victim is reacting to the situation, so it will hopefully make the audience feel more sympathetic towards the female victim however they will also feel more shocked and on edge as they completely see how the feel victim is reacting.This camera technique is quite conventional to a thriller as it helps portray the scene further by showing the situation from the point of view of one the characters.

High angle will be used at the end of the scene when the antagonist is standing over the female victim, this specific camera technique will show that the victim is in fact very helpless as the antagonist now has her trapped. As stated before this camera angle will allow the audience to see that she is now helpless which is due to the fact that the camera is looking down at the victim also making her look inferior.This is conventional as it is a technique which often used in thriller films as it makes the relationship between the character and the audience stronger as they come to realize that the character is helpless.

An extreme long shot will be used during the car park scene when the two characters are having an argument, this type of camera shot allows the audience to see the body language of the characters and the whole enviroment. In this case this camera works perfectly as we want the audience to notice that the car park that the two characters are in is deserted and quite obscure this will make the audience a little more agitated. They should also be able to fully analyse the body language of both and see that the argument is relatively heated making the audience quite shocked.This camera shot is quite conventional as it used in many thriller films and helps convey the three elements of a thriller further. This camera style will not necessarily strengthen any of the relationships with the characters but will allow them to understand the situation more.

Close ups will be used in various situations throughout the whole scene so first of all it could be used when the female victim checks her phone and realizes there is no signal or during the end of the chase scene to show the facial expressions of the female victim.The reason we want to use this camera technique is to help create more shock and surprise so for example the close up on the phone makes the audience recognize that the female victim cannot use her phone and is now trapped in a deserted area with no contact. We also want to use it on the close ups of the female victims face so the audience are able to see how terrified the victim is which will make the viewers feel more compelled to feel sorry for her.This is conventional as it allows the audience to understand the situation further and it also helps the viewers notice specific things which may not be noticed if it is not highlighted.

Handheld camera techniques can also be used during the chase however we have not come to clear decision however it will only be used during the main chase scene rather then throughout the whole scene. The reason for the particular camera technique used is to show the audience the perspective of the female victim which will create more shock and surprise, it will also make the scene more realistic which again create more of the elements of thriller previously mentioned.This is conventional to thriller as it emphasizes how panicked and frightened the victim really is and will create more shock and surprise. The audience will also start to feel for the victim as shes helpless and has no way out of the situation she is in.

My sequence will be more effective throughout the use of cinematography as it will help us emphasize shock, surprise and suspense through the scenes, it will also help us create a relationship between the characters and the audience. 

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a sound analysis of the cinematography you intend to use within your sequence, explaining what they should create

    You need to:
    1) Elaborate on some of your points further by thinking about what these techniques create
    2) Include a conclusion explaining how planning has been helpful in preparation for filming
    3) Include screen shots to show your examples and your groups A3 sheet
