Tuesday 20 January 2015

rough cut- miss.georgiou

A rough cut is a film that has no been completely edited so that further feedback or criticism can be provided in order to produce a points that can continue to improve the film when it is returned to the editing stage.

The audience provided by the audience is important to the production as like previously mentioned it vastly improves the final cut for the film . The audience will be able to provide criticism that they feel is needed which helps the production immensely as ultimately we are aiming to satisfy our target audience by creating  certain elements which we feel will be most liked by our target audience. The feedback we then receive will then be taken in consideration and if we feel it is suitable for our film and does in fact improve the final outcome we will incorporate the suggestion.

We have received our feedback mainly from comments which have been left on youtube we uploaded it, the comments have come from various individuals around the target audience which is of our most concern. The use of a method like a focus group would be too time consuming and not needed as the comments that have been provided are of the quality that we need in order to start producing a final production. The same applies to the questionnaire which in fact would be worse then the focus group as this does not allow for the individuals to freely express their opinions of the film as they will have to conform to the questionnaires.

The benefits of the feedback are similar to what i have explained in the first paragraph. The feedback given will allow us to edit certain aspects more to the liking of the target audience which will subsequently cause more interest from our target audience, it will also allow us to see mistakes which may have not previously seen when editing which will continue to improve the production.

Positive feedback:

"the music within the opening sequence is conventional to the thriller genre and fits the settings and surrounding well."

The music was relatively hard to find as we had to ensure that it is was copyright free and fitted well with the tempo of our opening sequence while also being the type of music that would be associated with the thriller genre. It is clear from this comment that making sure we found the most suitable sound tracks for our opening sequence has played a big advantage for us as we have been able to enhance the experience that our opening sequence has provided.

"the opening sequence is realistic to real life equivalents and does actually look like an opening sequence, as the narrative flowed within the opening sequence.

Throughout the filming and during the development stage we were focused on creating an opening sequence as appose to creating something more like a trailer which would be far from the task that we were given.Creating real life equivalents was also important to include in the early stages of planning as if the audience are able to relate with the characters or the situation this should hopefully make the emotions that we have tried to create more apparent as the audience are able to see themselves in the same or similar situation. The narrative was also of a concern as we were only able to show a small segment as it was an opening sequence so making sure it flowed smoothly but also being interesting and also attractive to the audience proved to be quite difficult but judging by this comment it seems like we done well.

"The use of cinematography was very good, as a variational of shots were used, making the visuals more appealing as the same shots weren't repeated and multiple different ones were used during different segments"

During the planning of the opening sequence we were adamant on providing a wide range of camera angle and camera techniques as this allowed us to demonstrate that we were proficient in regards to the use of the camera, however we also needed to ensure that certain angles were used for certain situations for example using a high angle to show the character thats is lower is more inferior which we had learnt when we were researching cinematography in other films.

Negative feedback:

"some segments could be either removed and placed during other segments of the production, so that the narrative is clearer and easier to understand"

There were parts of the opening sequence that we felt that were a little too long and made the sequence more elongated then it needed to be so based on this comment it has confirmed that we should in fact shorten certain scene in our sequence in order for the overall quality to be improved. In regards to moving certain segments in another order, it simply does not make sense as it would make the narrative incomprehensible as the sequence of events have been placed in a fashion that progresses and makes the most sense, so we will not be paying attention to this part of the comment as it would affect the opening sequence in a negative light.

"The dialogue at the beginning of the sequence seems to be a little quiet in comparison to the sound track and some scenes seem to be a little too dark"

This comment has many fair points which we will definitely take into consideration however they are also very easily fixed, for example in regards to the sound of the dialogue it very easy to increase the sound of the dialogue in those certain scenes that require which i will most definitely fix as the dialogeu is relatively important as it increases the audiences knowledge of the narrative which is crtical for an opening sequence. The lighting in certain scenes however will be difficult to amend as the time that those scenes were created was very dark which was out of our control although we will be able to change the brightness and possibly add certain filter which will improve the lighting but this may not completley fix the problem.

"Certain aspects of the opening scene such as the jump from different settings make it little unclear for the audience"

As a group we spent a long period of time discussing on whether we should create more scenes showing the trasition from one setting to the other which would be the alleyways to the forest however we came to the conclusion that it was unnessary as it just prolonged the opneing sequnece as little to long and may make the opening to boring as the audience would mostly be watching the chase.So unfortunatley we will not be taking the comment into consideration as we feel that providing more scenes would actually decrease the quality of our opening sequence.

Based on the comments we have recieved we will take the comment which refers to the level of volume of the dialogue and the lighting of certain scenes as this is the only comment which we believe to be feasible.After reciving this comment we will go back to the editing software and replay the opening sequence and then make the changes to the volume of the dialogue as well as ensuring that we are able to increase the brightness to level that does make the scene look unaesthtically pleasing.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a proficient understanding of what a rough cut is and the benefits it has to understanding the role of your target audience. You have made a start on reflecting on the comments that you received and it is clear to see what changes you would like to implement within your sequence and why?

    Aim to include evidence of the comments that you received, to demonstrate further knowledge and understanding .
