Thursday 15 January 2015

Individual narrative ideas- Miss.Georgiuo

The narrative

A narrative is important as it helps brings the audience to be more engaged with with film, the opening narrative scene being the most important. The narrative is also what keeps the audience keep interested thought the film as they are able to follow the story across the film and understand the various situations that occur and how the characters react to them, it also helps create the three most important elements which are shock, suspense and surprise. 

Mise en scene
  • Forest
  • low key lighting
  • killer might have a mask
  • urban myth that a killer lives in the forest
  • group of teenagers
  • wanting to explore the urban myth
  • all sneak out of house at night 
  • decide to meet at forest 
  • all explore the forest
  • they think its not true 
  • they hear some rustling 
  • start to get a little scared but brush it off
  • then killer comes running out 
  • briefly show him with the handheld camera
  • they all start to run back 
  • screaming and shouting
  • end  
I will present this information to my group and then we will decide on which narrative we will use for our scene, we may decide to combine them or focus on one narrative. However it most likely that we will focus on one and develop it further making sure many conventions are present.

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