Sunday 11 January 2015


Research was conducted as in order to create a film that the general public will like we needed to see there opinions on what creates a thriller that will become popular as it caters to the wants of the general public. We decided to ask 40 people as this allowed us to question a diverse range of people, this helped us make our decisions as we knew the answers that were given were of a broad audience.


1) Please specify your gender:



2) What is your age?



3) Do you like the thriller genre?




4) What type of thriller do you enjoy?





5) What type of settings/ environment do you prefer to see in a thriller film?


Deserted house/warehouse

Abandoned outside area, for example car park


6) What gender protagonist do you prefer?



7) What type of weapons do you like to be seen & WHY?




8) What type of soundtrack do you like to hear in thriller sequences and WHY?




9) Do you like to see gore when watching thriller films?




10) Do you prefer your antagonist to have a hidden identity or to be seen throughout the film and WHY?

Hidden identity



Seen throughout


Research was conducted as in order to create a film that the general public will like, we needed to see their opinions on what creates a thriller that will become popular as it caters to the wants of the general public. We decided to ask 40 people as this allowed us to question a diverse range of people, helping us make our decisions as we knew the answers that were given were of a broad audience.

This pie chart shows us that the majority of people we asked questions to were female however we can also see that it quite an even number of male and females asked. This will not necessarily help us with the decisions what we make for our scene however it has helped us to understand that the rest of the questions asked are answered by both an almost equal amount of gender which will make our decisions appeal to both male and females.It also shows us that the male and female people who answered may have some sort of distinct difference in the answers that were provided for example the males may prefer more gore in the thriller films they watch which may not be the case with the females, ultimately this will help choose what type of gender our film is most likely going to be aimed to however in the perfect scenario we would hope that the opening sequence we have created will satisfy both genders.

This information allowed us to analyse the answers between different age group, this is critical as it will allow us to decide what age group we want our target audience, This pie chart tells us that majority of the people who were questioned are between the ages of 15 to 17 which indicates immediately that our scenes will most likely be tailored to the liking of audiences of those ages if we decide to use all of the answers on the questionnaire to base our film on.However when creating out film we must also bear in mind the age restrictions which certain films have based on the content so our target audience could change entirely if the films we produce is to violent or gory, although being of a similar age it is likely that the fllm we produce will cater to this age group providing we adhere to certain rules.
This piechart tells us that a large proportion of people do in fact like the thriller genre or at least occasionally, this informs us that it is obviously quite a popular genre which could potentially mean that our scene will be viewed a lot.There is nothing from this question that we can incorporate into our scene however it just proved that a lot of people enjoy the category of our scene and will hopefully watch it. When taking this answer into context there does seem to be more use to the question rather than it being an indication of how popular this genre is, as the people who answered that they do like thriller films or at least occasionally make the answers of the the questionnaire more valid and therefore more useful to us when creating our sequence as they have more knowledge on what creates a better thriller film then those who answered no.
This question shows us that people prefer many types of different setting so it will be hard to accommodate to every viewer. However in the question there is an answer with a majority which could possibly point us into the direction of using that setting but it does not necessarily mean we will use the answer when choosing the scene. When the question was asked practically every participant did not have a specific type of setting that they really enjoyed and in fact just settings that they may prefer to see which imply's that a certain type of setting may not be seen as too important, which may imply that is in fact up to the creators to choose the most effective settings as the setting allows the certain emotions to be explored more vastly for example a forest would allow us as film makers to create more mystery and suspense as it is a setting that is considered relatively unusual to people and is also associated with being quite eerie.
Based on the pie chart we can see that psychological thrillers are enjoyed the most however it is not a clear majority.This sort of information can be quite critical when making a successful scene as this definitely something the general public may look for in a thriller, so based on this information we will clearly have to pick a specific type of thriller we want to base our scene on. As psychological thrillers seem to be the most popular we will most likely decide to base out theme on this type of thriller as we want our scene to appeal to the majority.
Out of the 40 participants 57% of them preferred a male protagonist to be apart of the scene. This type of information will have a big impact on the gender of the protagonist that we will choose which based on this pie chart will be a male as it is clear a majority of people prefer to see a male be the hero of the film.It is also very conventional which one other reason as to why this seems to be a clear choice for us even before creating the questionnaire, a male antagonist seems to always create more shock and more unease in the audiences of thriller films.
This pie chart shows us that the majority prefer a gun to be used as the murder weapon in thriller films however it is not clear majority so there are still a lot of other people who prefer possibly an axe or knife to be used. These answers will be taken on board however it is unlikely that we use the majority answer in this case as it is difficult to make the murder look more realistic as we will need a prop gun, so instead we will most definitely use the knife as it is a lot easier to use and often more conventional to thriller films.
This pie chart shows us that majority of the people that we asked preferred a fast paced action soundtrack in the thrillers that they watched. This information is likely to be taken into use however the scene that we have narrated will not fit this style of sound so we are more likely to include the slow paced soundtrack as it will create more suspense and shock with fitting scenes. Although we are not using the majority answer we are however using the second most preferred answer which means that the slow paced soundtrack will still appeal to many of our audience.However there may be some use of variations between slow and face paced sound tracks as this seems to be a lot more effective then one continuous soundtrack, this technique is also used very often in thriller films as the sudden change in pace creates more shock to the audience during a significant scene. 
Based on the information on the pie-chart we can see that a majority prefer to see gore used within thriller films, many people also answered with "sometimes" which still suggests that they like to see in most likely more moderation.This information will definitely be taken into consideration as it seems a large majority like to see gore which can also be relatively easy to replicate. The scene we have created can also be easily altered to incorporate more gore with the use of possible fake blood or more visual killings. Although gore may be may be hard to use in an opening sequence but it does quite often play quite a big part in the majority of the film.Starting with a relative amount of gore could be technique used to shock the audience as it is not something they would expect at the beginning of them film as the audience are usually gradually brought into it.

The information in this pie chart shows us that a slight majority prefer the (Not finished as tyler did this one wrong)

The vox pop is a tool used in many forms of media to provide a snapshot of public opinion. Random members of public are asked to give their views on a particular topic and their responses are presented to the viewer/reader as a reflection of popular opinion.We specifically used them as we wanted to see what the general public thought about certain aspects of a thriller film so using the same questions in the questionnaire we asked random people to give their opinion on the questions, as previously mentioned the information that we collected will be treated as the opinions of most  people. To ensure that the results can be more accurately described as popular opinion we aimed to ask people of different backgrounds and cultures.The data we collected which is otherwise known as qualitative data due it being opinions of other people, is practically the same as the questionnaire that we previously asked however the use of vox pop may not necessarily be used just for creating films as it can be used to show others an example of general members of the public answering our questions on the thriller genre. So the vox pops still serve the same purpose as the questionnaire however they allow us to see a visual representation of the questions asked.

Within my research i found many aspects to be of interest to our group, the questionnaire being the most interesting as it allowed it us to see the opinion of 40 people which could help us majorly as we were able to see the interests of a segment of the general population and incorporate it into out scenes.Although it will be difficult to incorporate every bit of information so we decided to analyse each questions and see which was the most feasible for our scenes so for example one of the questions indicated that the majority preferred a gun to be used as the murder weapon however once we analysed this we came to a conclusion that the better option would be using the second answer which was a knife as it would be a lot easier to use in your scenes and is often seen to be more of a conventional weapon.If i were to do the research again i might add more consideration when choosing participants in order for out results to be from more diverse people so that the out results could be based on a broader proportion of the population.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a basic analysis of your results, explaining what the results show, but not going into enough detail on what you will include within your thriller as a result.

    You need to:
    1) Make sure you explain what you will include (give examples) within your sequence because of your results
    2) Elaborate on what your results show and what this could mean
    3) Include vox pops
    4) Elaborate on why you made vox pops of your questionnaire - qualitative data
    5) Double check spelling etc.
