Monday 15 December 2014

group planning

Risk Assessment

It is important to consider to risk as the group ultimately will want to have make sure that nothing goes wrong within the production phase so to ensure this we will ensure that we take precautions in regards to the risks that we have previously calculated.

The risk assessment that we have created will help us to avoid the risks that are possible for example we know that the area that we are filming in is very muddy therefore making it difficult to run on so we will have to ensure that the characters in this scene are wearing the correct foot wear and taking other precautionary measures.

Filming schedule

A filming schedule is important to have as it allows the group to keep track of the location, equipment and various other things that are happening on particular days of filming which can then be used as a way of checking progression.

We ended up making a few changes to the filming schedules as location had to be changed for various reasons such as not being suitable to film in however apart from this the rest of the filming schedule was kept the same

Sunday 14 December 2014

group meetings

Meetings and discussions are important to carry out as they allow the individual group members to discuss ideas with each other which can ultimately end up improving the final scene. These meeting also allow other members of the group to critique the ideas of other members which will make sure the idea satisfy all of the group members and also will also ensure that it fits the requirements need for the opening scene.

The group worked well in terms of creating the narrative and designing certain other elements of the opening scene however the group was let down in other crucial elements, for example in terms of organisation other members of the group did not conform to the bare minimum of expectations. They also delayed the film process by constantly decreasing the filming time in order to attend to other commitments which ultimately affected the rest of the group as this did not allow for a sufficient time of period which therefore had an negative impact on the quality of the opening scene. 

Friday 12 December 2014

Roles- Miss.Miller

It is essential for roles to be allocated to individual members as it is not possible for directors to do every role especially in large films as there are many tasks to do which is only possible when located to different people.There are many roles within the production team for example there are producers,editors, sound producers, writers and many more which are all necessary for a film of any genre .

We decided on certain roles before the actual production of the film however our main criteria for allocating the roles was experience in the role or in a similar role, so for example i had experience with finding copyright free music in the past so i allocated myself to that role and was able to quiet easily find sounds that were adequate for our film as well as fitting the criteria for the music used. The roles allocated for each member were as follows:

  • Producers (definition:"prepare and then supervise the making of a film before presenting the product to a financing entity or a film distributor")- Tyler Osman,  Mikaeel Khaliq
  • Directors (definition: "a person who directs the making of a film")-Tyler Osman , Mikaeel Khaliq
  • Actors (definition: "individuals that have the role of performing") - Mikaeel Khaliq, Tyler Osman and Samantha Apperly
  • Director of Photography (definition: "The person who is in charge of the lighting and camera settings of the motion picture but who does not always control the camera itself")-  Mikaeel Khaliq
  • Music producers (definition:" Those who have the role of either producing suitable music or being able to locate copyright free music")-  Mikaeel Khaliq, Samantha Apperly
  • Screen Writers (definition:" an individual who creates an orginal narrative for a film or other media products") - Samantha Apperly
  • Editors (definition: "works with the raw footage, selecting shots and combining them into sequences to create a finished motion picture")- Tyler Osman
Tyler Osman's roles are stated above. Tyler specifically did quite well when it came to directing the film as it seemed he had quite a clear vision as to what would look best on camera and was able to give good suggestions in terms of cinematography and how the scene should be filmed even when he was on camera which proved to very useful as a second opinion allows for reflection and can most certain prevent mistakes.He also had no problem during the role of his acting apart from being a little irresponsible in regards to the costume however we were able to over come the problem with a few adjustments.In regards to the editing he started off well as he claimed that he previous knowledge in editing film which is why we chose to let him do the task individually however his quality of work did not seem to be up to par so i decided to take it upon myself to continue with editing as i was more willing to put in the work which turned out to be for better.\\

Samantha Apperley's roles are also stated above in the list. Samantha's major role was the acting as she was a vital part of our opening sequence as she was the main character and had to be in every single role, this provided both negative and positive aspects. The role she played was up to a relatively high standard which i cannot fault her for however as she was such a key element to the filming she did prove to be quite difficult to in organising herself to meet at the arranged time of filming which was most probably her major downfall. There were other minor downfalls like refusing to do certain things during filming but they were amenable. However she did provide the narrative for the whole opening sequence which a quiet conventional to thriller films which made it a good choice of narrative.

Within their role the other members of the group have continued to do research on their specific roles in order to ensure that the final opening sequence is to the highest quality. We have tried to stick to the roles which have assigned to ourselves however in certain roles other other group members have had to take over in order to ensure that the task has been completed fully and to the highest degree of quality possible. By creating specific role for each group member it should have allowed us to focus solely on the roles which we had designated to ourselves, it should have also made the roles easier for each of the group members as we had less to concentrate on. The specific roles also should have assured that we were able to designate more time to the roles as we had a smaller burden, which ultimately should increase the quality of our opening sequence. 

In conclusion, the roles allocated to each member did not necessarily prevent other members from not doing other tasks, the editing task eventually became a shared task between myself and another group member. However as a whole each group member did reasonably well in their allocated role although there were a few roles which were shared among the group. I would make sure that the roles of each group members were not shared as this would have made the process a lot quicker.

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Opening scene narrative- Miss.Miller

The scene starts wit the two characters which are supposed to be portrayed as a couple, they're situated in a deserted car park at  the time of dusk. The setting was specified within the miss-en-scene ensuring that it was conventional as possible. We carried on the conventions this scene/setting as we made sure that low key lighting was present the whole scene as this created more suspense throughout the scene. The scene then goes on to show the two characters in a heated argument which should hopeful shock the audience straight away as the opening scene does not ease the audience into the theme of the thriller, the low key lighting is key here as we want the audience to feel more tense.The argument carries on for a short period of time before the male character storms of to his cars and leaves the female stranded in the dark car park with no way of getting home, ideally we are going to create a close-up at this point so the audience are able to see the facial expressions of the female character.

 Soon after the stalker will be shown however before this we want the audience to come to a realisation that the female character is in fact alone in the car which should hopefully build a sense of suspense in the audience we may do this by incorporating a long shot which is designed to show the environment in which the character is in which fits the purpose here.When the stalker is shown in the camera shot there should be some sort of non-digetic sound which will show the audience that this character is the antagonist as it will make the situation suddenly seem more eerie.The costume of the antagonist will first be revealed to the audience here, which is dark clothing that hides the identity of the antagonist in order to create more mystery about the character.The main focus during this part of the scene is making sure that the female is to convey emotions of panic to the audience to make them realise that the character in the distance is in fact something to be afraid of.

The scene then goes on to the show the female character panic even further as she frantically to get her phone out however to her dismay the phone has no signal, here there will be a combination of a mid shot and a close of up of the phone , the mid shot will be used to show he body language of the female character and of the phone to emphasise that there is no signal which makes the character stranded in the car park.The style of editing will most likely be fast paced here as we want the audience to really feel that the situation is in a state of dismay, this type of editing is achieved by changing the camera angle several times.
After this scene the antagonist will slowly come to a realisation that the girl is on her phone and most likely trying to call for help so he makes his move and walks toward the female character, naturally she becomes hysterical and decides to brisk walk towards any type of exit from this car park no matter where it leads too.

 The female character ends up walking to an alleyway where a panning shot will be used in order to show the audience the environment as well as showing that the speed that the characters are running at which is important as this show how much the female character wants to get away front the antagonist. As the characters run out of the alleyway the female character sees a forest and decides to run into it as she sees it as a way out. A POV is used in the chase scene as it shows the audience what the antagonists point of view is hopefully create more shock as the audience and can experience the situation from a first person view. The chase scene carries on deep into the forest as know the female character slowly starts to become more and more helpless, eventually she evades for him for a while but she falls over a branch which looses her critical time as the antagonist is not far behind holding a knife which adds more shock and surprise to the audience as there is the presence of death constantly through the chase scene.When the female character falls there is no longer enough time for her to escape as the killer is now running up to her, he bends over her and and the lifts the knife up, the scene then ends her in order to add more enigma to the scene as the audience are kept guessing as to what will happen next.

The opening scene we have created is conventional in many ways for example the characters, iconography, lighting, editing and sounds are all inspired from other thriller films which ensures that our opening scene is relative to other thriller films which ultimately is what makes the various elements and the film as a whole conventional 

Group storyboard- miss.miller

The purpose of a group storyboard is for all of the group members to combine their interpretations from the individual storyboards and all come to an agreement as to what the final opening scene should be like in the form of a storyboard however here we can also focus on the types of camera angles, iconography and the types of editing styles that we want to use.So once we had all created our own storyboards we scheduled a group meeting and proceeded to compare all of our storyboards evaluating each section and coming to a conclusion as to which one is most suitable for the final opening scene or alternatively we could have decided to combine two different into one if they both add value to the scene.

As i previously mentioned we created a group storyboard so we could all combine the ideas of the individual group members into one final story which will would be the most conventional in relation to thriller films as all 3 of the individuals storyboards were critiqued in order to be most conventional and suitable for our end opening scene due to the scrutiny. There were certain element in group members storyboards that we decided to include for example one of the group members had incorporated varying timing of shots which allowed us to portray more emotions to the audience through a change in editing style for example using slow editing in the scenes we want to emphasise the emotion of suspense and fast editing in the scenes where we would like to emphasise the emotion of panic.There were also certain elements that we all had included in our own individual storyboard which were low key lighting so of course this type of lighting was used in scene as it was clear that it was something that we all agreed on. There were also new ideas from certain group members like including the sound of a heartbeat or heavy breathing in certain scene in order to stress the emotions of the characters so during the chase scene in our opening scene we would use a faster heart beat to show the audience that the victim is extremely frightening and clearly fighting to escape the antagonist , the heavy breathing would also further strengthen this as the audience can relate heavy breathing to a state of panic, these types of sounds are often used in thriller films which is one of the main reasons we have used them as it further conveys emotions as well as making certain elements more conventional.Many of the elements used have been inspired from other films , for example the use of slow and fast editing was inspired from the human centipede as there is a scene that uses theses editing styles very effectively. The use of a heartbeat was quite clearly used in shutter island which one of my other groups must have used previously for inspiration on sound or other elements however for the use of this sound to be effective the sound must be edited in correctly and fit the images of the scene.We incorporated all of these ideas by creating a group meeting and discussing ideas that we had previously come up with in our own story boards, during the meeting we all looked at other group members storyboards and noted which ideas we liked. After we noted the ideas we liked we then discussed which would be best for our opening scene and collectively created a group storyboard and incorporated the most suitable ideas.

The storyboard we have created fits the purpose as it has done exactly what we wanted which was to incorporate all the best and most relevant ideas from different group members.As previously mentioned we managed to incorporate others ideas by having a group meeting and discussing the elements we had used in each others storyboards.No compromises had to be made as my group generally had a similar concept of how we wanted the final storyboard so we knew what elements we wanted to include.I did not necessarily have to make any compromises however i should added more editing styles in the storyboard which will most likely be used when we get to the editing stage apart from this i have nothing else i wish to change.

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Group planning

My group members are Samantha Apperley and Tyler Osman, group meetings are essential as they allow all the group members to exchange ideas with each other which will make the narrative and general concepts improve.

In our first meeting we discussed the fundamentals of our task which was the narratives, we initially produced our own narrative so we had something to discuss in our meeting. We then analysed each narrative and came to a conclusion that Samantha's was the most suitable to our task however we felt that some elements needed changing such as the end scene where she had planned a torture seen however  thought this would be too had create as we do not have the means to make it look realistic, it also made the opening scene seem more like a scene that would occur in the middle of a film. So we then changed the ending to a chase scene which we had seen in mant thriller filsm before hand while doing out reasearch tasks, we felt that this was more appropriate then the torture scene and at the same time made our scene more conventioanl as through this we could add many more conventions such as slow editing.

We planned the type of facial expressions and body language that needed to be used within our thriller scene for example the victim needed to have a scared expression on her face throughout the chase scene and closed body language throughout the arguement to show some fear.The costume were also decided upon as this showed the audience what type of people the characters are, myself and samantha are wearing casual clothes whereas tyler who will be the anatagonist will be wearing all black clothes to try and hide his identity and the pyhsical charactersistics to create more enigma in relation to the characters. We planned on using low key lighting throughout the scene as when we looked at many other thriller films this seemed to be the main type of lighting as it made it harder for the audience to see certain things therefore creating more suspense and mystery.As mentioned previously we had planned on using an abandonmed car park and and obscure forest as these both make the settings of the scene more conventional to thriller films.

Inspirations - Miss.Georgiou

We need inspiration before we can create our thriller process as in order to produce a film that is appealing and engages the audience. We can take inspiration from other films as we are able to see what techniques have been used in order to create suspense, surprise and shock. i have taken inspiration from various films like scream, sin city, the conjuring and Halloween as they all use many different techniques to engage the audience with the three elements that i previously mentioned.

 In this scene there were many inspirations that i took and then incorporated into my actual thriller sequence for example there was a vast amount of slow editing as well as fast timing of shots which are essential in every thriller film.This type of editing inspired me as it allowed the director of this film to portray the emotions of suspense and panic with simple editing techniques which can easily be incorporated into any film.I will try to incorporate these techniques into my opening scene during the whole chase scene as this is the type of situations that these type of editing scenes are used in as suspense and shock is always present in these scenes.It is difficult to make the use of these editing styles completely different as it is similar situation used in "The human centipede"however during the editing stage i will make sure that the use of these techniques is not exactly the same.

Previously i had looked at the conventions used in the film "scream 4" there many conventions used that were actually used in many films such as the sealed identity of the killer, use of knife and blonde female victim. These were all relatively inspiring as they were conventions that seemed to be used in many successful thriller films and also added more suspense, shock and surprise to many of the scenes filmed. It evident from many of my more recent posts that i have decided to use all three of these conventions as it fit the narrative so well,  however i have tried making sealed identity of the antagonist a little different as usually many of the antagonists film wear masks however ours does not yet the killers identity is not revealed. Unfortunately i was not able to make the the use of the knife and the female blonde victim unique as it they are conventions that are not able to be altered and tend to be similar in many thriller films.

In this post i researched the cinematography used in the film sin city and there were many types of camera angles and shots that were of interest me as they showed me different how characters can be portrayed differently depending on the camera angle or shot.In the scene they used close ups and high angle shots which showed emphasised the the expression on the characters face and  the high angle showed me that if you manipulate the camera angle to make certain characters seem either more inferior or less inferior. I plan on incorporating both types of camera angles/shots and many more throughout my opening scene however i will try to make them a little different but these types of shot/angles are quite conventional so they represent the same idea in most films.For example i will a high angle to make the victim seem more inferior which is done in many other thriller films making it quite conventional to a thriller.

In this film there are many aspects of sound which are of interest to me like the use of screaming and heavy breathing both of which added more suspense and shock to the scene.These two particular styles of sound have provided me with inspiration to use them in my opening scene as the screams showed the audience how scared or panicked the victim was and the heavy breathing depending on which character it comes from also adds suspense to the scene as it adds a sense of doubt to the audience.These two particular aspects of sound are going to be used within my scene during the chase scene to show that the victim is extremely scared and the heavy breathing will show that she is starting to become helpless, this has become different to the film above as it is used in different situations and used in a different concept.

My research was helpful as it allowed me to see many other conventional techniques in other films which i could use and adapt into my style to fit the narrative.These techniques have made my sequence better as using the techniques from other films i can now emphasise the three elements of shock,surprise and suspense in a better manor.

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Individual Storyboard – Miss Miller

A storyboard is a sequence of pictures that illustrates a scene which in our case is the opening scene.Using a storyboard allows us to structure how the scenes will fold out and allow us to make any alternations if necessary. It can also be used as a tool to show the rest of the members in my group the ideas i have come up with or the perception of the scenes that we plan on producing.The storyboard will also allow us to plan the type of camera angles,lighting,sounds and editing techniques we want to use when it comes to filming our scene.

As previously mentioned the main reason for creating our own storyboard is so we can put our own perceptions of how the scene is going to be in a planned out structure. In my story board i decided to make some of the camera techniques to be handheld as it is something i had seen before in the thriller "Halloween" this helped to conceal the identity of the antagonist which is something we hope to fulfil in our thriller however it also added more shock and suspense to the scene as the audience were able to see a first person view from the killer which made the scene feel more realistic.The setting which the scenes were set in are all conventional of a thriller so there were many films like "friday the 13th" and so on that incorporated a large deserted forest which i felt was a good location to help emphasise the elements of shock,surprise and suspense as this sort of location had an eerie and mystical presence when watching the film and a location like this is easily found.I decided to include low key lighting throughout some of the scenes as this is the main type of lighting that creates more enigma and suspense in scenes as the audience are able to see less of the scene leaving them wondering what is happening.However we also decided to include a contrast in the lighting as this would provide a deeper shock for the audience as they would end up becoming used to the low key lighting so in order for this to be more effective there also needs to be a contrast in the lighting.I have also decided on adding eerie music into certain scenes in order to increase suspense, surprise or shock depending on where it is most appropriate, this is a technique that is used in practically used in every thriller film as sound always helps enhances a scene.

I think my storyboard proficiently expresses my perception of how i want the scenes to be set out this should help when we eventually make the group storyboard as we will be able to incorporate my  ideas if the group feels that it is something they also want to include into the opening scene. I might decide to change the lighting as i feel the lighting is more effective when the lighting goes from high to low key lighting rather then being at the same level constantly. 

At the end of the my storyboard i have decided to in corporate the use of high angles as i felt that the use of this camera angle would be most appropriate for the scene which is when the antagonist leans over the female victim and is now trapped. During our analysis of cinematography we came to the conclusion that the use of the high angle allows for whoever is lower to seem more inferior in comparison to any other character which is already true in that scene however by using this specific angle it makes it more apparent to the audience as they realise just how helpless the female victim really is. The use of low key lighting in my storyboard is significant as it ultimately sets the scene for the whole scene however upon refection i will most likely create a contrast in low key lighting and normal day light as this will allow for a greater effect on the audience as the sudden change in lighting will indicate that the something is about to happen therefore creating more suspense in the audience. Throughout the opening sequence there will be a sound track that like the lighting will add to the setting as the nature of the music can either make the scene seem eerie which is the aim or the opposite, so when it comes to editing i will be looking to find fitting music that can add to the eeriness of the scene and make the audience feel more on edge throughout. A soundtrack is also essential as there is only a small section that contains dialogue so the soundtrack also acts as filler for the rest of sequence.

Monday 24 November 2014

Planning opening credits-Miss.Georgiou

The purpose of the opening credits is to show all of the production crew and cast members to the audience, it also informs the audience of the title of the films. There is usually a set sequence in which the title and name show, the sequence usually shows the more important members then the least important and back to the most important ending with the name of the director.

We analysed the thriller film se7en as it was a typical thriller film which adhered to many of the common conventions. The first thing that i noticed is that the font was white in colour however it was on a black background, both colours represent different features of a thriller film for example the white represents innocence and serenity whereas the black provides a connotation of death and fear which the makers of the film want the audience to sub consciously notice throughout the opening scene.These two colours could also be seen as the portrayal between the relationship of the victim and the antagonist as innocence and death are both appropriate words to describe each of the characters.There was also hints of red within the writing, this also has a meaning behind it which is blood and danger, this colour will stand out just as much as the white writing which means that the audience will also notice this colour and will hopefully come to the same conclusion to what this represents. The style of writing was also quite jagged in nature and seemed to constantly fade out and appear in different section of the screen and again there is another reason for each element of the font, the jagged writing is most probably supposed to represent the antagonists personality which means they are un-stable and may or may not have some sort of mental condition which makes them behave in this manor. The random placements of the credits also supports this theory and keeps the audience constantly thinking as they cannot anticipate where the credit will appear next. The font was also in a handwritten fashion which again relates back to the antagonist which is barely shown to the audience in the opening credits, as the credits is in written in this style this should make the audience feel that they already know something more personal about the character regardless of whether the identity is concealed or not as the hand writing of an individual is considered to be quite personal.The size of the font is was kept at a relatively pertinent size throughout the scene so the audience could clearly read the titles however they were also able to see the opening scene at the same time where a few of the characteristics of the characters are revealed. The scene opens with the name of the director which is typically quite unconventional however the director of this film is known to mention his name twice in the opening credits which is apparent in this film as it is the last and the first credit. Commonly the opening credits of the film mention crucial members of the production team and cast first which them progresses to the less relevant members of the film and lastly going back to the director which is considered to be the most acknowledged member of the film.
I have decided to create my own style of font for my opening sequence however i have decided to make sure that my opening credits will be conventional to a thriller film so i decided to take inspirations from films. The colour scheme is clearly quite similar to se7en as i felt that it reflected the personality of the two characters rather well as my characters also happen to represent innocence and death, this is due to both films being conventional to thriller films in the respect that the victim is always oblivious to the situation around them and the antagonist has a clear motive which is death in both cases. Although i took inspiration from se7en i decided not to add any hint of red as i wanted my design to be unique and i came to a conclusion that the black and white represented enough features about my characters.The font is also quite distorted which adds to the thriller theme as it can be seen as adding more mystery like the identity of our antagonist however it is still readable for the audience, The positioning of the credits is not something i have yet decided on however it is possible that i may decide to put the credits in different sections of the screen where it is most appropriate. The font is relatively simple as i felt that adding anything else to it would make the credits to hard to read as there is already many effects put on this simple font.
This design is quite conventional as it uses the contrast of black and white which both symbolise the same connotations which are serenity and death. The style of writing is also quite rugged which may mean this individual has tried to recreate a similar technique which is used in se7en so they might being trying to indicate that the antagonist in this case is unstable in some sort. So overall it does seem like the sort of font used in an opening scene of a thriller film.


It is possible to argue that the combination of the distortion and the font might make it hard for the audience to read continuously throughout the scene so will end up deterring in the audience to read the opening rather then encouraging them. The font of the opening credit is to small for the audience to read so would need to be increased if we decided to use this style.


This opening credit has also used to the black and white contrast of colours which may make it conventional to a thriller as it seems like this is a popular choice to use within the opening credits. The font is spaced out well which will make it easier for the audience to read as the opening scene unfolds.The size of the font is also sufficient in allowing the audience to read the opening credits better.


This opening credit can be argued as quite unconventional as the writing does not relate to any type of font used in thriller films as many elements are more likely to used in other genres of films.The spacing may also be considered a negative as it could take a large proportion of the screen which may not be wanted in certain circumstances. The style also does not relate to any character or to any feature of the film which is often used in thriller films.

We have decided on using my style of opening credit as it is the most conventional and also fits the criteria of film in the most appropriate manor.The appearance of the order of the opening credits will most likely start with name of the creator of the film and then go on to introduce the name of the main characters in the film, the title of the film will then be mentioned with the rest of the production members mentioned after. Lastly the opening credits will finish of the name of the director as he/she is often considered to be the most important in the making of a film.

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Planning characters- Miss.Miller

The purpose of characters is to make the narrative more appealing to the audience as the audience will start to build a relationship with the characters which will make the scenes more interesting. The main purpose of planning the characters of a film is to ensure that the characters fit the narrative as the narrative needs to make sense in order for the audience to watch, it also allows us to create a more in depth background of the characters and control the characteristics that we feel that they need.

We have three characters named Zak, Nicole and the last is unknown as the identity of this character is concealed.Each character plays completely differently roles in out thriller sequence for example our character "Zak" plays a small role at the beginning of the sequence when he gets into an argument with his girlfriend in an obscure car park however his role is short lived as he eventually drives off and leaves his girlfriend stranded. This is relatively stereotypical as due to his actions he makes the the audience feel sympathetic to the female which fits in to the general stereotype of the females in thriller films as they are often a victim of some sort of situation. The characteristics of this character may not necessarily help the audience engage more with narrative although it may make them feel even more sympathetic to the female characters as "Zak" is a male. The audience will not have much of a relationship for the character as he is only part of the opening sequence for a short period of time, the only relationship that they will form is a spiteful relationship as the audience see the character break up with the female character due to actions which leads her to feel hurt, so the audience immediately have hate for this character.This character will be wearing casual clothes as a costumes as we need to ensure that he looks like a regular person in order to have a a greater effect on the audience as makes the audience realise that this character is a normal person like themselves.

The female character who is named "Nicole" is the main character of our opening scene as she plays the female victim throughout as she first gets into an argument with her boyfriend and short after into a chase for her life from a stalker who now wants to kill her. A female victim is extremely stereotypical and conventional of a thriller as majority of the victims in thriller films are female as this often makes the audience realise that the victim is less likely to escape as they are female and less likely to get away from a male antagonist.The gender of the female character will have a large impact on the audience as like i've previously mentioned this makes the victim even more vulnerable which is the start to the close relationship that the audience and this character will most likely have. The viewers will probably feel a sense of remorse for this character as she has been hurt by her boyfriend and is now trying to save her life from the stalker which makes this the strongest relationship between the characters and the audience.Aside from feeling remorse the audience are already inclined to feel compassion for her due to the mishaps.The background/environments we have decided to use will create more shock,suspense and surprise with the audience as the female character will have trouble getting out of such obscure settings.The costume this is character will being wearing is very similar to the character "Zak" which is casual clothing as we want to send the audience the same message which is that "Nicole" is an ordinary person as this will create more sympathy for her.

The unknown characters role in this scene is to be the antagonist through the second half of the opening sequence which will eventually lead into a chase. An antagonist is stereotypical as every horror film needs one however our antagonist is more stereotypical as we have made sure this character is male and also has a concealed identity so the audience are left questioning who the antagonist is.All the characteristics are concealed however the audience will be able to tell that the antagonist is quite tall.To aid to the concealment of the antagonists identity the costume we have selected for him is all black and baggy so the only physical feature the audience can see is the height of the antagonist this adds to the mystery and therefore makes this character seem a little more intimidating. The relationship between the antagonist between the character will slowly develop as the sequence unfolds however it is not similar to the female victims relationship as the audience will most likely feel hatred towards the antagonist as he is trying to murder and innocent girl which would also imply that they may form no relationship at all apart from the emotion of hate.

The characters we have chosen are immensely conventional as both the gender of the antagonist and victim are considered to be conventional. The antagonist is almost always male in thriller films which have seen in our previous research as males antagonists are considered to be more superior and can quite often have a far greater impact on the audience in regards to creating more shock and disturbance. The victim in this opening sequence is a blonde female both words being conventional components as during the same research all the victims were female and in fact blonde as this represented that character was innocent due to the light nature of the colour, the difference in genders makes the female character more weak and vulnerable.By ensuring that the characters chosen are conventional to thrillers this should make our opening sequence more successful as we are able to transmit the emotions of shock, suspense and surprise which are all essential in creating a successful film.

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Planning editing styles-Miss.Georgiou

Editing styles are important top include within a thriller film as they help engage the three main elements of a thriller fully. The three elements are shock,surprise and suspense which are essentially the emotions that thriller films aim to create, various types of editing styles help to create each element for example slow editing emphasises the suspense created in the scene making the situation more intense for the audience.Certain styles of editing can also make characters seem more vulnerable, this makes the relationship between the audience and the character stronger as the audience feel more compelled to feel sorry for the character as they are helpless.

The three styles of editing we have decided to use are slow editing, montage editing and fades.The slow editing will be used during the beginning of the chase scene to help create more suspense to the scene as the character will slowly come to realisation that she is being followed by a  masked man. As the suspense is built up it makes the following scene more shocking as the audience are more on edge and may not be necessarily expecting a sudden change in events.This will immediately create a stronger bond between the character and the audience as they will see that she is a very vulnerable state from the argument she has just had and now suddenly she has a strange man following her, the audience will also slowly realise that there is no way that the female can escape.This editing technique is very conventional to thriller sequences as it often used to add more suspense to the scene and leave the audience questioning what may happen next.

Montage editing is the speed of editing , where shots are juxtaposed together. The main scene this technique will be used is during the chase scene as we want to create more excitement, shock and surprise to the scene which is conventional to thriller films as it helps create the three element of a thriller, it is also a technique used in all thriller films for the same purpose. The relationhship between the audience and the character will grow stronger as this is where their predictions become true, they will see that the female victim is now completley helpless and in a complete state of panic. The audience will start have an attachment to the character as they notice that the female victim is helpless so they feel obliged to root in her favour.

At the end of the sequence we will incorporate fade which is when the screen fades to black this often means an ending to a scene, this specific editing technique works well for our scene as it we are only producing an opening scene so this will allow us to end the scene and leave the audience questioning what will happen next. The sole purpose of the technique is to create a large amount of suspense and enigma at the end of the scene especially as the scene will be left on a cliff hangerm, this should continue to make our thriller film more coventional as every aspect of all the techniques add shock,suspense and surprise. The relationship between the characters and the audience may not neccassarily be strengthened however

Monday 10 November 2014

Planning sound-Miss.Miller

 Sound is considered to be important in thriller films as it helps emphasise the three main elements of a thriller, it can also help the audience engage further with the scene. Planning is essential when creating scenes as in order for certain element so match up before hand there needs to be process where the initial idea is analysed and developed further. During the planning process we are also able to see whether the sound that has been chosen for that scene matches the situation for example in a chase scene we may decide to emphasise the heavy breathing of characters to show the panicked state of the victim.

A large majority of the sounds used in our scenes will be non digetic sounds which is sound or music that is added on after, such as in the editing stage. There are many types of non-digetic sound but we have decided to use eerie soundtracks for certain scenes like the scene where the female victim finds herself stranded in an abandoned car park. We hope that the eerie soundtrack will hopefully create more suspense as well as shock in the leading scenes as it will indicate when something is happening and tends to make the audience feel more uneasy, it will also help to create more contrast in other scenes.Like i previously mentioned before we also plan to use a heavy breathing in the chase scenes as it allows the audience to see how panicked the victim is and that they are struggling to survive this will also make the audience feel more shocked and allow suspense to build up to the ending scene of the chase scene. Both forms of non-digetic sound are quite conventional to thrillers as they create the three elements of a thriller which any convention should do to make the film more typical of the thriller genre.The audience will feel more compassionate to the female victim as both of these forms of non-digetic sound are aimed at her so they can only build a stronger relationship with that specific character.

Digetic sound which is music or sound that belongs within a frame can be considered to be a natural part of the narrative. This type of sound will be of use mainly in the first couple of scenes when we see the two characters arguing in an obscure car park. The manor in which the words will be spoken is what will dictate the emotion of the audience, the dialogue we have decided to use is going to be very aggressive so the straight away the audience are experiencing the element of shock and uneasiness. During another scene where the female victim notices that she is being following there will be another use of dialogue which is screaming, this will be used in order for more shock and surprise to built up at the beginning of the chase which will immediately show that the female is in fact extremely frightening and could add more suspense in the build up to the chase. This type of digetic sound is conventional as there dialogue in practically every film produced as it allows the narrative to be improved and also allows the three elements to be expressed more easily.

Parallel sound will be used which is when the sound and the images on the screen complement each other.This type of sound will be specifically used during the chase scene when the audience can hear the footsteps of the characters, it is not the sound we want the audience to concentrate on but rather the tempo as that will show the state that they are in so in this scene the tempo will be very fast as the female victim is trying to escape the antagonist. Once the audience notice this there should be an increase in suspense throughout the scene as they wonder whether the female victim will be able to escape or not.This is conventional as often in thriller films where there is a chase film the sound of the footsteps are emphasised in order for more suspense to be built.

Silence will be used in certain likes during the beginning of the chase scene. We have decided to use segments of silence as it often allows things to be more highlighted so the audience may analyse the scene more as there nothing to listen to, it can also be used another technique to make scenes more frightened in thriller films. However our main purpose for the use of silence is to create more suspense as like i previously mentioned it makes the audience concentrate more on the situation.It can also make certain scenes more shocking if it is accompanied with a large amount of sound afterwards as the contrast catches the audience off guard.This sound technique would be considered conventional as it allows for suspense and shock to be created within scenes which all conventions aim to create.

My sequence would more effective in creating emotions and reactions if there were more conventional like the sound a stabbing knife as this may create more shock and surprise in the audience however overall i think i have created enough conventions in my opening sequence in order for the suspense,shock and surprise all to be created within the my opening sequence.The planning period allowed me to successfully ensure that the sound techniques i wanted to use helped my opening sequence become more conventional to thriller films as i was able to analyse my ideas and pick the most suitable one to fit my narrative.

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Planning mise en scene- Miss Georgiou

Setting and iconography 

The setting will be in two locations which is an abandoned car park and an eerie forest.We decided to use these two settings as we concluded that they are typical settings of a thriller which makes our scene more conventional they also fit well into our narrative helping us create a more mysterious scene. We may also incorporate a scene which shoes the character in a dark alleyway which make our scene even more conventional to a thriller it is will most definitely create more suspense in our scenes.The order of the setting will be the abandoned car park, alley way and finally the forest, there was no reason for using the settings in the sequence as it is just the way the narrative as been created although this sequence may help to add more suspense as it the environment becomes more obscure making the female character more helpless.As i previously mentioned every setting we are going to use are very conventional to thriller as they all help us emphasise suspense, shock and surprise which are narrative already contains.
We have decided to use two pieces of iconography which is a phone and knife. We decided to use a knife as it used in practically every thriller but also tends to create more shock as the audience are able to relate to this weapon as it is commonly used as a tool for murder.The knife will be seen in the antagonists hands once he chances the female victim and will be continue to be seen in his hand s throughout the narrative. We have also incorporated the use of a phone in one of the scenes specifically when the female victim tries to use it to call for help but comes to a realisation that she has no signal.The use of the phone helps portray more of a panicked state in the female victim as the audience finally realise that the female victim is helpless in the abandoned car park which will also create more shock for the audience. These use of these two objects very common in thriller as they are used as tools to create more shock and suspense which we have tried to replicate in our narrative as we would like our narrative would be more conventional.

Costumes, hair and make up

The antagonist for narrative will be wearing all black clothing with a possible mask.We have decided to use two pieces of iconography which is a phone and knife. 
Lighting and color

The main type of lighting used in our scene is low key lighting which is the technical opposite of the high-key arrangement, because in low-key the fill light is at a very low level, causing the frame to be cast with large shadows. This causes stark contrasts between the darker and lighter parts of the framed image, and for much of the subject of the shot to be hidden behind in the shadows. This type of lighting fits the general theme of the thriller genre as often most scenes are quite dark in order to create more suspense as the audience do not have a general sense of what is going on which can also cause the audience to be surprise and shocked once something significant happens. It seems that low key lighting helps all three elements of the thriller genre which is the reason it is going to used throughout our scenes. This type of lighting is very conventional to thriller films as it clearly helps emphasize all the elements which are key to creating to a successful thriller film so it very often used.

Facial expressions and body language 

During the chase scene the facial expression of the victim is clearly going to be very panicked as we want the audience to see that the victim is genuinely scared for her life, this will hopefully create more panic and shock in the audience as they are able to see how frightened the female victim is. The body language of either the female or male character during the arguing scene will be closed as they do not wish to show how they feel this will most likely be the female victim as the male will most likely have very open body language to show how aggressive and angry he is, this is something that the audience will pick up on as the two characters are acting in two very different manors.The antagonist will also have very open body language which shows the audience that he is confident with the actions that he plans on committing this actually makes the antagonist seem more frightening as he has no remorse. These facial expressions and types of body languages are generally quite conventional of a thriller as they are often used in many films to help portray the characteristics of the characters and allow the audience to engage more as they are able to see how they react to certain situations

Positioning of characters

The victim will most likely being using two camera techniques which are handheld or POV these two techniques are going to be used so we can emphasize the situation so the audience are able to see what is happening from the victims point of view this will help create add more shock and suspense to the scene as they will be able to see how panicked and desperate the female victim is. This technique will most likely be used during the chase scene so the audience can see situation more clearly and feel as if they are in the same position.We also plan on using a high angle when we show the female victim on the floor as this will help accentuate the vulnerability of the victim as these type of shots are often used to show that the individual is helpless and will be easier to convey to the audience.Both types of techniques are conventional to thriller as they help emphasize the elements of a thriller film and also help the audience engage further with the scene by allowing them to interpret the scene further

Friday 24 October 2014

Group Narrative- Mr.Georgiou

I am currently working with Samantha Apperley and Tyler Fullerton.
Group member 1- Samantha Apperley
My idea of a narrative for a new thriller film is a teenage girl has an argument with her boyfriend, causing him to walk off to go a get his car from the car park so he can go home. The girl goes after him but is too late. The car park is dark and deserted with no one around. As she stands in the middle of the car park alone, crying, she notices a tall figure standing in the way of the exit. She soon realises that it is a man who she often sees looking at her regularly; like a stalker. She starts to become panicked as there is no exit apart from the one he stands in. She pulls out her phone to call for help but has no service, leaving her unable to reach anyone. She decides to risk walking out to one of the exits and notices that the strange man behind starts to follow, she gradually starts to increase the pace of her walking as she starts to panic.Eventually when the pressure and suspense builds up she decides to start running with the killer behind her holding a knife, there is an entrance to the forest which she decides to enter in order to try and escape. The chase carries on within the forest however the female trips and tries to hide although the killer sees her and runs at her but then the scene cuts.

  • The narrative fits the number of characters and genders so it will be easy to film as we do not need anyone else to par take.
  • Enigma is incorporated into the scenes.
  • There is use of iconography for example there is a knife being used.
  • Many conventions have been used

  • The torture scene may be hard to replicate as we do not have the skills.
Tyler Osman:
A thriller in which the family that mysteriously went missing in a secluded farmhouse, in which a group of sixth form students (aged 16-17) go out to investigate the structure to see if they can find the origins of the disappearance. The protagonist of the film would be one of the group members, who will receive the most screen time (antagonist undecided)

  • Enigma is present in this narrative as we do not know who that antagonist is. 
  • The setting is quite unique.
  • Typical narrative of a thriller film.
  • Setting may be difficult to use.
  • No decided antagonist
  • Vague narrative
  • Not very conventional of a thriller
Mikaeel Khaliq:
  • Forest
  • low key lighting
  • killer might have a mask
  • urban myth that a killer lives in the forest
  • group of teenagers
  • wanting to explore the urban myth
  • all sneak out of house at night 
  • decide to meet at forest 
  • all explore the forest
  • they think its not true 
  • they hear some rustling 
  • start to get a little scared but brush it off
  • then killer comes running out 
  • briefly show him with the handheld camera
  • they all start to run back 
  • screaming and shouting
  • end  
  • Incorporated quite a few conventions
  • Typical thriller narrative
  • Enigma is used
  • A little too vague
  • Might be difficult during the night in a forest

The final group narrative is mainly based on the idea of group member 1 as it contained many of the conventions that are used in the thriller and was generally a better narrative.We discussed each narrative and whether we should could create an entirely new one however based on the point i discussed before hand we felt that we should use group member 1's narrative which is could be altered if need be.

Our narrative is based on the teory of todorov as it contains both an equilbrium and disequilibrium.We have chosen this theory as it best fits the narrative as it contains a state of disequilbrium at the beginning, A continued state of disequilbrium by some action, a recognition that that there has been a disruption, an attempt to repair the disruption and a reinstatement of the equilbrium.

Our narrative contains many convention of a thriller, we have decided to incorporate a female victim so we can convey the three elements better, we have also used a killer who has a hidden identity in order to create more enigma and shock.The setting of our narrative is also very conventional as it is set in dark mysterious places like a forest and an abandoned car park.We made to sure to use iconography as based on our survey we found that many people liked the use of knifes in thriller films as it made the scenes more shocking. This narrative appeals to our taregt audience as we incorporated a few of the ideas used in the surveys as many of the people asked in our survey were in our target market which is primerily teenagers.

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Research into conventions- Miss.Miller

A convention of a thriller are elements that are common with different film genres or patterns that can be seen/used in different films from the same category. The most common conventions of a a thriller film are shock,suspense, surprise and tense as they all as they all create a successful thriller film. I chose to use scream 4 as it is a typical thriller so i will be able to conduct more research in regards to the conventions that it contains.

The scene i have chosen contains one of the most typical conventions of all thriller films which is an antagonist (killer) and a victim which is primarily of the female gender however is it occasionally of the male gender too.Female victims are often used as audiences feel more sympathetic as they are portrayed as helpless. The antagonist also have a pattern in all thriller films as they all tend to be male this maybe to make the killer look more powering and daunting as the women in thriller are never able to escape as the killer are always too dominant. The vulnerability of the female character makes the audience feel more attached to the character so when they do eventually die there is greater shock and surprise. As i previously mentioned this is arguably the most typical convention of all thriller films as female victims always create more shock and surprise once they are killed.

Iconography has also been used in this scene when the killer comes out of the cupboard as he is holding a knife. This is a very common use of iconography in all films as it something that all the audience can relate with as it is very trivial in all households which adds to the authenticity of the scene as it set in a house.The use of a knife also makes the scene more frightening and shocking for the audience as they are able to see it repeatedly go in and out of the body adding some gore to the scene.The fact that character is only using a knife to kill his victims makes him seem some what more powerful then using any other type of weapon which add more influence to him in the eyes of the audience. This type of iconography is conventional of a thriller as knifes are used in almost all thrillers to create more shock and surprise as the audience are able to relate more to this method of killing.

Enigma or otherwise known as mystery is also used in this scene in regards to the killer as it he is masked. The hidden identity of the killer makes the character seem more daunting and frightening as the audience are only able to see a mask which is already relatively intimidating. To create even more enigma about the character he is wearing a clothing which is already black in color and does not give any sense of the physical features. The fact the audience have no knowledge of the physical feature of the killer it makes the character look scarier when they are trying to kill the unsuspecting female victim. Hidden identity are often conventional in thriller as they make the killer seem a lot more frightening making the audience feel more scared and shocked when they see the killer.

Low key lighting is used when the killer calls one of the characters, the lighting is focused mostly on the face of the character, the reason for this is because the audience need to focus on the facial expressions of the character. We can see that she is very disturbed and distraught has she starts to realize that the phone call may not be hoax but instead a reality. This change lighting create more suspense for the audience as they can also sense along with the character that the phone call is in fact real, this could also create a little tension as they start to see the females face change to look more dissatisfied. Low key lighting is conventional of most thriller when they want the scene to seem more dark which will make the audience feel more tense about the situation as they are not able to see what is happening clearly, it can be used as a tool to focus on something like for example in this case the characters face.

As the scene starts to progress further towards the killing we notice that the timing of shots slowly start to increase.It starts to happen when the female character picks up the phone and the male character starts to talk about about what they are watching even though he was no where to be seen, the slow timing shots were used to create suspense and shock within the audience as the male character mentions many disturbing things.As we got to the scene of the killing the timing of the shots become very quick, this shocks the audience further as they have less time to absorb the situation. The timing of shots are conventional of all thriller as they are always used in thriller to help create more suspense, shock and surprise as it can either leave the audience more to absorb the situation or less.

In conclusion i would say that the scene i have chosen was successful in terms of creating a conventional sequence as it contained conventions that were used in many other thriller films such as the blonde female character and typical use of a knife as iconography.When i create my own sequence i will most probably try to use all the conventions used in this scene however i will focus on using a variation on the timing of shots and good use of iconography.

Monday 13 October 2014

Opening sequence analysis.- Miss.Georgiou

"How does the opening sequence of the film Halloween inform the audience of the conventions of a thriller?"

The purpose of an opening sequence is to prepare the audience into watching the film as it this is often where the main themes of the film are revealed to the audience, so they are able to get a brief insight into what type of film they are watching.Quiet often the directors or producers decide to introduce the antagonist in the very first few scenes so the audience can possibly feel more shocked as they have already been exposed to the main killer.


At the end of the scene there is a zoom out which is when the camera moves away to create an emotional distance.In this zoom out the audience have an extremely big shock as they see that the killer that was previously concealed was in fact a child who later find out to be the brother of the victim. To create more tension and shock the zoom out is quite slow so the audience are able to completely absorb the situation, as the killer is a child it adds to the shock. This conventional to a thriller as quite often a slow zoom out is used to create the emotional distance and allows the audience to take in more of the situation and what surrounds it again adding more tension,suspense and shock to the scene. During the scene of the kill a POV camera show was used which is used to show the audience the point of view from the character or in this case the killer. The main point of this particular camera begin used is to conceal the identity of the killer creating a larger enigma about the killer and the whole scene in general.This camera can also help add shock and suspense when the audience are eventually able to see the identity of the killer. POV camera angles are relatively conventional as quite often the identity of the killer is completely concealed or revealed later on in the scene. Another camera angle was used during the kill which was a high angle, this is when the camera is position above the object, making it look smaller.The use of this angle allows the audience to interpret that the antagonist is a lot more powerful as he is looking over the female character who is laying on the floor dead, which was the main purpose of this camera angle.Overall all of the camera angles mentioned can be classified as conventional as they help to shock the audience and allow them to have a better understanding of what is happening in the scene.


During the scene where the killer walks up the stairs to the victim there is a use of slow editing which is when the clip are juxtaposed together at a slower pace.The purpose of the editing technique being used here is add a large amount of suspense of the scene. This editing style was used when the killer was walking up the stairs, this allows the audience to absorb more of the scene as the scene doesn't not cut as often which results in more tension created also.This editing  editing style is conventional as many thriller films use this technique in order to add both suspense and tension to the scene . A reaction shot was used when the camera shows the face of the boy and the mask is ripped off, a reaction shot is any shot in which a subject reacts to a previous shot.This shot was used as when the mask was taken off the audience would have a big shock as it the killer is revealed as a little boy which the audience will most probably find hard too believe.This is quite conventional of of a thriller as slow editing and reaction shots are often used to create suspense,shock and surprise.


At the beginning of the scene there is a silence used as the character was watching one of the character from outside in the darkness trying not to be seen.Silence is specifically used to create tension within the scene as it allows the audience to focus further on what is happening in the scene which in this case is the a character stalking to others by watching them from the outside window.Some digetic sound was also used when the killer started to stab the female characters. Digetic sound is music or sound that belongs within a frame which can be considered to be a natural part of the narrative.This sound is often emphasized as the directer want the audience to clearly hear the sound as this will shock them even more if they are able to hear the actual stabbing. Non digetic is also incorporated in the scene when the killer walks up the stairs. Non digetic sound is sound of music that is added on after such as in the editing stage. In this scene eerie high pitched music was added in order to create more suspense when the character is walking up the stairs are the audience are oblivious to action the character is about to commit.These techniques used within sound are conventional to thrillers as they help enhance the three elements of a thriller and engage the audience.


A large amount of low key lighting has been used throughout the scene this makes everything seem more mysterious and also keeps the audience more vulnerable to shock,surprise and suspense.When the antagonist is walking towards the house this style of lighting helps to conceal his identity further or what he is about to do. A blonde female victim was also used in this film which is very typical of a thriller films, they use blonde females as the audience often see them as vulnerable however we also have the conventional male antagonist which is always portrayed as very strong and powerful.A kitchen knife has been used as the main iconography which always seems to be quiet common when the scene is set in a house, once the audience see a knife they are able to assume that a killing is a bout to happen.Overall every point mentioned is very conventional of a thriller as they all seem to be used in almost every thriller films to create more suspense and possibly set up further shock later on in the scenes.


The film was based on the night of Halloween which is associated with death and enigma, it is also set in a house which is conventional of most thrillers as a house is something that all the audience members can relate to which makes the experience a little more personal.The killer like i have mentioned before has a sealed identity, this was done with the use of POV which did not reveal any physical features of the killer, we later find out that the killer was in fact was a little when the parents lift off his mask while he has the bloody knife in his hand. When the camera focuses on the boy we can see that he has been stricken with fear almost as if something had control of him. The realization that killer was a little boy shocks the audience leaving them feeling a little confused as to why he would commit an action like this.


At the beginning of the scene we see two teenagers who seem to be be very oblivious to the killer who is standing outside watching them from the shadows. The victim here was the female which is very conventional of a thriller as they are often used due to female characters seeming more vulnerable in comparison to the powerful male killer. The nature of the two teenagers at the begging gives the audience an implication that either of the teenagers may become victims.The little boy becoming the thriller is not as conventional as they are often seen as older men who are able to over power there victims but in this case it leaves the audience questioning how a small boy could murder which adds to the shock once the mask had been taken off the killers head.When the parents take off the mask they have a very similar reaction to the audience as they are both shocked at figure that was holding a bloody knife.

In conclusion the opening sequence to "Halloween" informs the audience of the conventions of a thriller as it successfully engages with the audience making them feel the suspense, shock and surprise.This analysis will help me determine what  conventions work best for my thriller film for example i am almost certain that i will have a theme of enigma as it constantly leaves the audience in suspense.

Thursday 2 October 2014

Research into editing styles-Miss.Georgiou

Editing is essential in thriller genre as it helps create the three elements of a thriller film which are needed in order to create a successful thriller film, the three elements are shock,surprise and suspense. The different types of scene cuts and shots all allow the director of the film to achieve these elements.So it can be argued that editing is a powerful tool when it comes to producing a film as if the scene is not edited correctly the situation may be portrayed poorly therefore not allowing the right emotions to be transmitted to the audience which would classify the film unsuccessful.

At the beginning of the scene we see a shot reverse shot has been used as the director wanted to show the facial expressions of both characters as it is obvious that have they both just woken up and are shocked to find that they are tied to bed and most probably think their lives are in danger. The body language is also shown in this scene and the audience can see that they are both panicked as they are frantically trying to get out of the bed. The shot reverse shot makes the audience feel sympathetic for both characters as well as panicked for them as they know more about the situation and what might happened next. This is conventional of a thriller as both the victims in this case are of the female gender which seems is a common occurrence in most thriller films as they seem to be more helpless in certain situations like this as they are completely unable to escape as they are tied which immediately builds remorse for them from the audience as they are able to see how vulnerable the women are. 

At 0:25 the producer decides to introduce reaction shots when the character is being injected by the doctor as she starts to scream in agony, this specific type of shot has been used as it shows the audience the pain on the characters face and her body language.This is conventional to a thriller as the male is quite often portrayed as the antagonist as male characters are often seen as more superior and capable in comparison to a female character which seen to be the case here as the male antagonist has complete control  of the situation whereas the female victim is helpless.The audience already have great sympathy for the female victims due to the previous scene as they can see victim has no way of escaping the situation which can be clearly seen in the restrictive body language and hysteric facial expression as the victim frantically tries to move, so the audience are in full favour of female character, per se.

The timing of shots starts to get faster once the female character leaves the bed and fleas from the professor who is injecting some sort of lethal liquid into the other character. The increased timing of shots is supposed to mirror how scared and panicked the character is and that she may have a slim chance of escaping.The faster timing of shots makes the audience feel hopeful for the character however at the same time it also creates suspense as the audience begin to wonder if she going to escape in time.At one point the timing of the shots slows down this is done to show the audience that she may have a chance to escape however she also begins to become scared and vulnerable which is easier for the audience to see when the timing is slowed down.This specific style of editing would be considered as conventional as the use of these two techniques is relatively common in films and even more so individually however the use of both here seems perfectly relate to situation by both emphasising to the audience emotions of panic,hope and suspense. 

A jump cut has also been incorporated into the film as we can see the facial expressions of both characters and their body language. At this state they are still both very unsure of what is happening, the audience are able to see how frightened and disturbed the character are from their faces and the struggling nature of their body language. Cuts like this create more suspense to a scene as we are able to see how the characters are reacting. This style of editing would be considered conventional as it allows the audience to see the facial expressions of both characters which is an important element of mise-en-scene this is not used too often in this context but when there is a similar situation in other thriller films they will most probably decided to use this particular style of editing in order for the audience to capture the emotions of the character which in this case is a state of panic.

The research have conducted will ultimately be used to help me when produce my own scene or opening sequence so based on this post i will hopefully be inspired to incorporate similar techniques into my own sequence which will therefore make my sequence more conventional as the techniques used here have perfectly executed their main purpose which differs from showing the facial expressions of the female victims to the hope for an escape.